Chapter Thirty Three

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Pando listened intently to the horrid tales from his newest flock, fighting the urge to gag and show his repulsion. Families came up to speak with the lord weekly as they recounted their time within a herd of degenerates. "It was the worst thing I had ever seen," a mother wailed at Pando's feet, describing the bodily fluids she saw and odors she had smelled. "There was so much sin." These lost souls had turned to the depraved individuals in their time of need, completely unaware of the secrets that hid within their wooly confines.

This had become a reoccurence; devoted followers at Pando's mercy, giving up intel on the horrors that lay beyond his neighborhood. If he were to fix the world, he needed to rid it of all its depravity. As always, the catgirl stayed by his side, taking notes of the confessions so the duo could plan their next move in secrecy. Each week Pando gathered more information, keeping a thorough record of the mighty heroes who were said to run the disgusting herd. Together the two friends made detailed files on the accuseds' appearances, powers, and worst of all: their sins. And once he was satisfied with their tales, he'd send the new cult members away and hide in the shadows with his adored friend.

"We need to know their weaknesses," Pando remarked late one night, especially tired from healing the ill. The demon boy stretched his long limbs and leaned back against the wall. He yawned as he watched the catgirl shrink in size, transforming into an orange kitten. She pounced on his lap and began to purr, bright green eyes staring up at his red gaze. He could feel her adoration within her glowing stare and he was captivated once more. "You could blink them out of existence," the kitten purred, rubbing her tiny head against his chest, "you don't need their weaknesses."

Pando swallowed. He would be lying if he said he hadn't considered that option already, it was the easiest one after all. But what if they could be redeemed just like so many of his once mutant followers? What if he could fix them? "They're a risk," the dark voice nearly shouted inside his head as he stared into the emerald orbs. The demon boy's heart began to beat erratically in his chest and he looked at the ceiling nervously. He didn't want to meet the girl's gaze, knowing somewhere deep in his soul that she'd persuade him otherwise. All it would take was one look.

"You need to go undercover," Pando ordered, eyes casted above. The purring abruptly stopped, silence hanging heavy in the air. The two hadn't really been apart since they met and now he wanted to send her away? Why not one of his loyal followers? Anyone would be willing to do a quest for their lord.

"Why me?" the tiny kitten mewed, her glowing eyes searching the sunken face of her god. She willed him to look at her, to catch her gaze and reconsider. "Anyone else would be honored," her voice was nearly a whine. "No," Pando's tone was stern, his gaze trained on the ceiling. The kitten growled in annoyance and began to grow, reverting back to her humanoid form. Wild orange hair framed the small face as she stood up and leveled her eyes with Pando's. "Why aren't you looking at me?" She demanded, resisting the urge to stomp her foot pitifully. Her nose was mere inches from his, whiskers tickling against his grey skin. Her lip was stuck out in a pout, desperate to change his mind with a single look. She growled again when the demon squeezed his red eyes shut. Why did she want him to look at her so badly? Was his gut feeling correct?

"If I go too far away from you, it hurts," the girl confessed. She was switching tactics, grasping at straws. There was no way she could handle being away from him for so long. Was that the only reason she stayed around? Because he made her feel good? Because she was addicted? How could he know if they were really friends? What if she was using him?

"I need you to prove your loyalty to me," he demanded, eyes still shut. The girl backed away, hurt. Did he truly think she would ever betray him? "You don't trust me," she accused, turning away from the demon. The small girl wrapped her arms around her body, hugging herself. Why did she always lose the ones she loved? He was getting rid of her! If he would just look at her...

"When I look into your eyes, I don't feel like myself," Pando confessed in a hushed voice. Slowly she turned around to face the demon, guilt eating away as her stomach twisted into knots. She continued staring at him, memorizing her friend's features as he sat there with his eyes closed. Her heart sank. He knew.

She never wanted to hurt anyone, she had no choice in the matter. It was her destiny, just another pawn under control. She swallowed back her secrets, knowing the demon wasn't ready for such a reveal. Maybe she had gone too far. Shaking her head and the thoughts away, the catgirl watched as her hair swayed around her face. She would do what she could to prove herself to Pando.

"Okay, I'll do it," the small girl agreed in a soft voice.

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