Chapter Thirteen

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Lua didn't feel like celebrating, he was still in a pissy mood. He simply didn't have the energy to paste a fake smile on his face. He stomped across the field in the direction of his tent, his fists clenched tightly at his side. "Where are you going?" Turtles asked, stopping to watch Lua's retreating form.
"I don't care to socialize," the dainty boy said without looking back. Turtles didn't know why he was so upset about something he had agreed to. Besides there would be plenty of people to endlessly rant to at the party. Turtles sighed as he stood in the field, once again alone.

The clock was ticking and as more time passed by, the more anxious Turtles became. BranChan wouldn't miss his friends' birthday; he would be the first to arrive just to decorate the tent with sparkles and glitter. Turtles slipped his shell backpack off, unzipping it, and dropping the broken nunchucks inside. If he could complete the quest, he'd be able to go out and find his missing boyfriend. And he certainly didn't need Lua for that. Turtles pulled the backpack over his shoulders and continued towards the party, leaving the sulking dainty boy behind.

Lua pouted once reaching his tent, his feelings hurt that Turtles didn't chase after him and beg him to attend anyway. "What kind of friend is that?" Lua whined pitifully, flopping on his fluffy oversized bed. His kitten purred and snuggled beside him. "At least I have you," Lua said while petting the soft, orange fur. The kitten looked up at him and meowed, sensing their owners sadness. "I haven't even named you yet," the pouting boy said to his little friend as he recalled his last real conversation with Mike Tyson.

The musclar man had returned from scavenging, carrying the mewling kitten. He had found the kitten shivering outside and scooped it from the cold ground, cradling to his chest. The delicious beefcake was sure that Lua would adore the tiny animal."Oh my god," the dainty boy squealed the moment Mike Tyson handed him the little furball. Lua rubbed his face all over the kitten's orange fur and thanked his lover with tears in his eyes. Just last week, Mike Tyson had comforted the sobbing boy as he cried about the cats he had left behind for him. He felt guilty, thinking of different ways to cheer Lua up. It was as if the universe heard his pleas and led him straight to the lonely animal.

"What should we name it?" Mike Tyson asked his overjoyed boyfriend. Lua cuddled his new friend and looked up at his perfect boyfriend. "We can discuss names over a date," the cheerful boy suggested. Mike Tyson smiled warmly at the idea and gently kissed Lua on the lips.

"So much for that," Lua snapped, once again angry that Mike Tyson was late. "I bet he wouldn't be late for Potato," he grumbled before drawing his attention back to the purring kitten rolling around next to him. Lua smiled despite his foul mood. He didn't need former professional boxer, Mike Tyson, to help him choose a name. He'd name the kitten by himself, he decided as he checked under the kitten for its gender.

Meanwhile, Turtles stood against the side of the tent and watched everyone enjoy themselves. The friends cheerfully sang happy birthday and Moon and Stinky blew out their candles. Moon lifted a handful of cake and smashed it in Stinky's face, coating the smelly man in mayo and period blood. He groaned and began rubbing his nipples as he lustfully stared at the blood witch. Moon giggled, leaning in and licking some of the icing off Stinky's chin.

After another bite of cake, he turned to Moon and locked his bloody lips with hers, swapping the gooey mess between the two. She moaned, tasting the remains of the blood on his probing tongue and slurped loudly. Stinky then faced Sleepy and did just the same. The dirty trio grinded against each other in the middle of the tent as the other party goers watched uncomfortably. Stinky grabbed two handfuls of the bloody mayo cake and rubbed the putrid sustenance all over the witches body.

Potato casually leaned against the wall next to Turtles, keeping his eye on the gross scene before him. Though he didn't feel the hatred he was accustomed to, he couldn't say he necessarily enjoyed what he was seeing. "Why aren't you joining them?" Potato asked the fidgety Turtles. "I'm not really in the mood to party," Turtles replied, glancing over at the former villain. Potato remained expressionless as he continued observing the now naked trio rolling around in the left over cake. "Can't say I blame you," Potato remarked in a monotone voice. Turtles glanced up at Potato curiously, the boy's demeanor had significantly changed. He seemed calm and reasonable, Turtles thought to himself. His eyes scanned Potato's tall frame, noticing the cucumber sword hanging from his waist. Maybe he could use his help.

"I'm going to complete a quest for the strange creature, get better gear, and find my missing boyfriend." The words came rushing out of Turtles' mouth, surprising even him. Potato stayed still, the only movement being his eyes as they slowly drifted towards the small boy. "Okay," Potato said looking down at the him. Turtles wasn't sure what kind of response he was expecting. Maybe a bit more curiosity on Potato's end at least. Turtles swallowed before asking, "will you come with me?" Potato looked up towards the ceiling, humming and weighing his options. He was planning to go to sleep after the party but that was only because he had nothing better to do. "I guess," Potato half-heartedly agreed after a moment of thought.

Lua headed towards the tent's opening, hoping the party had ended and that it was time to embark on the quest. He looked back at the tiny animal sitting on his bed, smiling to himself on such a cute name. Lua determined the cat was a female and knew exactly what to call her. It was as if some unknown force had whispered the perfect name in his ear. He didn't need Mike Tyson's help choosing a name. And soon he'd get better powers and not need the sexy beefcake at all. Lua unzipped the tent and waved goodbye to his little friend as he stepped outside. "Be good tonight, Pea," Lua called over his shoulder to the orange kitten. Pea meowed in response, waiting to hear Lua's retreating footsteps.

Once the kitten was sure he was really gone. she stretched across the giant bed, slowly returning to her true form: a small girl with bright orange hair.

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