Chapter Thirty Five

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A white van flew down the pristine street and stopped directly in front of Pando's house. The driver's erratic speed sent them to a skidding stop, the front tires rolling onto the fresh grass of the demon lord's yard. Neighbors looked on with curious horror as mutants climbed out of the vechile, grotesque bodies vividly standing out amongst the beautiful neighborhood. Followers of Pando whispered prayers as they watched a mutant with a giraffe-like neck stumble towards the back of the van, his tall head looking down at the judgemental faces. Let them mock him now, Gary knew soon he would be transformed back to normal. A gooey green blob of a human began to assist Gary, grabbing two bulking, unconscious men from inside the van. The disgusting subhumans dragged their seemingly lifeless forms down their king's driveway. Had these monsters completed a quest? How dare the curious crowd question the lord's mysterious ways. These mutants were changed men, doing godly work after all. The nosy neighbors began to disperse, satisfied with their own assumptions and conclusions.

The demon boy watched from his porch as the mutants delivered BranChan and Mike Tyson, the pair both bound by a golden rope that binded their very souls to him. Pando wished his feline friend were here to witness such an amazing capture, imagining her excitedly jumping around seeing their plan continue perfectly. "Please," the green blob of a human begged once placing the prisoners at Pando's feet, "please grant us healing." The glooey creature got down on a melted knee, waiting for a miracle. Gary attempted the same, his long neck nearly knocking into the demon as he lowered his deformed body. The winged lord took pity on these horrendous beings, the mere sight of them was difficult to process. He couldn't even look directly at them for too long without his stomach lurching. Pando nodded wordlessly, gracing the ugly monsters with his blazing gaze. They had done exactly what he requested, following every instruction perfectly. With a blink of his red eyes, the merciful lord granted their wish.

Once Pando opened his eyes, the gooey blob had transformed into a chubby older man who stood, inspecting his arms in wonder. Beside him, his friend's neck no longer stretched towards the heavens. In the giraffe-like mutant's place stood just a regular guy named Gary. The two former mutants thanked the lord profusely, warm fuzzy feelings taking over their body. This demon had saved them and they felt his love course through their veins. Climbing into their van, they vowed to obey their king forevermore. As the van peeled away, Pando returned his attention to the unconscious on the ground. With a single blink, he transported their bodies inside his house, opting on dealing with these sinners away from any prying eyes.

He wasn't sure how they'd react once awakening and he definitely did not want to cause a scene on his front lawn. The mutants had caused enough attention for one day. Strolling inside and shutting the door behind him, he inspected the sleeping men on his living room floor. The blue powder he had given the mutants worked wonders, the captured degenerates looked almost peaceful. "You can wake up now," Pando commanded, his words immediately breaking the spell they were under. BranChan and Mike Tyson began to stir, slowly coming to and taking in the foreign surroundings. As the big oaf's vision focused, his eyes landed on the towering demon standing above him. "What the.." the sparkly man in bootyshorts gasped in fear, struggling to pull himself upright with his hands bound. Mike Tyson looked around frantically, anger coursing through his blood once he was able to process their current situation. "Who thhhhe ffffuck are you?" The former professional boxer lisped threateningly. The demon chuckled as he watched the men struggle in their binds.

"I'd stop trying to escape if I were you," Pando warned, "that rope is bound to your soul. If you break it, you die." Mike Tyson scoffed at the revelation, refusing to believe such a ridiculous threat. "Why are we even here?" BranChan asked, hoping he could maybe reason with this terrifying stranger. "I've heard a lot about you two and your friends," The demon answered honestly, "and it's unacceptable." Mike Tyson's brow furrowed as this horned demon casted judgment upon them, as if he knew anything about their friends. "Many people have escaped your little herd and took refuge here," Pando continued monologuing, "and they have told me countless horror stories of their experiences under your care. Absolutely depraved and sinful acts committed by your people." The sunken face twisted in disgust as memories of the tales shared resurfaced. Mike Tyson shot daggers with his eyes as the demon added, "so I'm putting a stop to it."

"We didn't hurt anybody," BranChan reasoned, trying to understand who would hate them so much. They only ever tried to protect people, they took in and cared for anyone in need. It didn't make sense that anyone would want to cause their group harm. "We only tried to help people," the oaf persisted. Pando scoffed at the buffoon, refusing to believe such sinners were capable of assisting anyone but their own selfish desires.

"We will soon be taking care of the rest of your sorry group," Pando promised with a slight smirk, looking down on them. These two were the strongest, the biggest threats according to his research. Once they were out of the way, everyone else would be easily dealt with. Mike Tyson began to thrash around, tired of this evil man's threats. He needed to get home to Lua and Potato. With hard pecs bouncing and beefy muscles popping, Mike Tyson roared loudly as he tore through the golden rope, sending the tattered pieces flying in opposite directions. True to Pando's words, the rope was bound to Mike Tyson's soul. Just as he broke free, the muscular man fell face first on the ground, dead. BranChan looked on in horror, dramatically screaming "Noooooooooo" as he collapsed towards his friend's lifeless body. The demon boy rolled his eyes at the spectacle before blinking Mike Tyson back to life. The big oaf watched as his dead friend slowly sat up, breathing deeply as air greeted his once still lungs. To the sparkly man's dismay, he witnessed a foreign look cross Mike Tyson's manly man face. He expected his fallen friend to rise and attack their captor but that never came. It was as if his eyes had glazed over, as if he weren't really the former professional boxer he knew so well.

Mike Tyson stared up at Pando in admiration, a warm fuzzy feeling spreading through his very core. This man before him was no demon. This was his god.

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