"It's almost done!" I stretched out my arms in attempt to release the exhaustion from all the research.
"This will be enough to beat the other teams at the beginning but we need more upgrades." Stella clapped her hands in a joyous manner but the seriousness in her words can't go unnoticed. Her room looked like a total disaster with papers scattered throughout it and in the centre rested our summer vacation project model on top of the bed like a trophy along with some other stuffs like pens, highlighters, our phones, books and her precious laptop but the model was the main sugary item to our eyes.
"I'm certain that this will work out perfectly in the exhibition and we're winning this Stel." patting her shoulder I gave her the most trustful smile which she returned.
Our school was opening this week and as we ain't the straight A students to finish it any sooner than four days before the break ends. So here we are struggling with the last minute research preps. Even before I can move the thing to a more secure place on Stella's study table, she bounced over the bed and quickly snatched her phone to do something.
"Wanna have some ice cream? It's on me." I asked enthusiastically after arranging the room. I took seat beside her on the bed and to my assurance I said those words quite loudly but still none of my actions got her attention.
What's she even lookin' at so carefully?
"Earth to Stella! Are you even listening to me?" I exclaimed with anxiousness as waved my hand in front of her face in desperation.
"The social media handle of ETMF says that readers can expect an unexpected twist in the sequel storyline." She said all that in an inhuman speed and started jumping up and down.
Not that crappy thing again.
I and Stel basically grew up with each other and her obsession with reading novels was well-known to me. 'Engraved to my Faith' is a popular novel among high schoolers these days with huge reader list. I wanted to buy it in order to read to find the reason behind it's renowned success but stel did it for and she also saved me the explanation which kinda made me understand the plot sooner. It's a goth era settled script in another universe where the personal life of the heroine and her adventures were highlighted with twisted harem concept romance.
"Do you want to have some ice cream or read novels here?" I stood up grabbing my bag from the shelf and made my way to open the door.
"Coming!" She winked before tailing behind me down the stairs with her dammit of a smile as I told her mom about how our homework was finally done.
We marched our way to my favorite ice cream parlor on the other side of the town. Besides from it being out of our hangout range we would always make some time to sneak up to this place.
Well... Because that place is heaven when it comes of ice cream and summer breaks deserve good cold treats.
"Don't look at your phone while we're still walking!" Stella got her eyes glued to the screen the whole time and trust me it was annoying.
"Gosh, I'm sorry!" I signed as she slipped the phone in her pocket before we crossed the lane near the shop.
Finally we reached the shop in some minutes as I pushed the door open to enter with her following me. I rushed to get in the line and waited till my turn came. Stella broke the line like most of the times and came hurried to stand beside me.
"Can I have your order now?" The counter girl smiled at me charmingly as I was among the regular customers so we sort of knew each other.
"We'd like a coffee caramel and-"
"A cotton candy toffee please." Stella cut me off with her order but I didn't mind it a bit since she was a different-flavour-a-week kinda person.
Within three minutes we got our orders as I headed out of the shop with stella again on her phone.
"Don't you get tried of all the brightness coming from the device?" I hummed at the end of query because of the coldness the ice cream was giving me.
"Since it's daytime not really but you need to see this." She was enjoying her cotton candy toffee as much as I was enjoying mine.
I turned my head in her direction as she immediately shoved her phone on my face.
Too close.
"Anyways what do think about the sequel they're talking about?" She says with dreamy eyes. I swear there where stars in them a minute ago.
"About ETMF? Well didn't you curse the author for making it that way?" I recalled her reaction from three months ago when she literally was calling it a piece of shit.
"That was because I was pissed with the fact that how much of a white lotus bitch the heroine was!" Yeah, she hated the heroine because according to Stella that character had some facade. In that case I also agreed with her because in some events it was clear that the heroine tried framing the antagonist in purpose.
"Enough with fantasies and can you for once stop glueing yourself to the phone screen!!" I shouted.
She started to ran away in the opposite direction as I raced behind her. We were laughing with me yelling curses to her.
I stopped from the vibration inside my bag and took my phone out before reading the notification. It was a message from mom; come home soon it said. I was about to type my reply but instead of writing I glanced back at Stella.
My blood went cold in terror. There, Stella stood in the middle of the road with her attention on the phone and I turned my head sideways to see a speeding car in a distance very soon to hit her.
The world around me stopped and the only thing I saw now was her before even I knew it, I dashed in her direction in full speed.
"Stella, Move!!!" I was just a metre away or two from her as I saw her turn towards me and realize what was going to happen.
It's too late. I won't be able to make it on time.
Just as the car was about to hit us, I shoved her out of the way. I had just enough time to turn when the car came rushing towards me and my body flew some feet's high before collapsing on the ground with a loud thud. I felt tremendous pain as the land around me got painted in my blood.
The surrounding started to fade when I heard the people screaming but it all felt like a blur but from the corner of my eyes I saw a stunned Stella on her knees with tears rolling down her cheeks. The last thing I got to see before my eyes closed was her sad expression.
Pain was all I can feel.
Oh I forgot to reply back to mom. So much to just have some ice cream.

The Another Chance To Live
FantasiAfter the accident, our protagonist awakens in an unfamiliar and opulent world, but with memories that do not belong to her. As she tries to make sense of her new reality, she discovers that she has been reincarnated into the body of the alluring an...