Ep. 3 The Good Doctor

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Wolf trap, Virginia

Morgan walked hesitantly into the old house before stopping in the half-empty living room. She eyed everything that was left behind, but most of the stuff was cleared away. The most prominent thing was the plastic yellow markers laying around. They were everywhere. Her attention followed these markers in a what looked to be a trial. Her eyes followed all the way to the mirror above the mantel of the fireplace.

Her breath hitched in her throat, and every cell in her body frozen.

A familiar face of a young man smiled behind her.

She turned around swiftly and became defensive, but nobody was there. Her eyes flickered to a portrait hanging up on a wall of a small family. There he was in the picture, the man, smiling happily at his little girl.

Morgan caught herself heaving and slowed down her heartbeat, taking slow and calculated breaths. She never thought she might go crazy. How could she? Especially now of all days?

She looked around for measure. Morgan took one final deep breath before going downstairs into the basement. She didn't want to stay long, or else she might find herself in a mental hospital. 

Morgan stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and she stared at the wall across from her. She moved away from the outline of the metal door that used to be there, feeling safer away from it. The metal door was now covered over a thick wall of bricks. 

Morgan knew that she'd get memories from memory lane when she stepped back into the house. Yet Morgan never knew how much of bad memories she had stored in the back of her mind until now. Usually, her brain would put it in a jar and throw it in the ocean. 

All she really remembered was walking in the supposed room beyond the mental door and running around. She faintly remembered a bunch of walls inside. They were full of color and life. Could it have been a maze? And why is she remembering all of a sudden? Was she held captive?

Morgan shook her head and began searching for an empty bag. Too many questions for such little time, she'll have come back to the questioning later. Morgan grabbed a black utility bag and started to pack her favorite things.


Morgan stepped outside the house and closed the door behind her gently. She turned at the door and tightened her grip at the handle. Morgan pulled her hand back and walked back to the group. 

Raymond and Jack's attention drew to the black bag across her body. The outer layer looked stuffed, and Jack worried she took too many things with her. But he felt hesitant to ask. Morgan noticed his discomfort.

"Don't worry, I didn't take anything that might have been evidence. Raymond will return anything back that might be useful." Morgan said.

"Good." Jack nodded, "Now that that's settled. Tomorrow, I want you and Raymond to come in early." Jack began to walk towards the car, "As long as you both are involved in this case, I want you two to see a psychiatrist." 

Morgan's face fell. She was about to protest, but Jack knew her well enough and interrupted her, "His name is Dr. Hannibal Lecter, and he's trustworthy."

"How do you know that?" Morgan asked, catching up to him. She touched his arm and stopped him in front of the car. 

"If it makes you feel better, he works with Will too." Again, Morgan stopped Jack.

"No, it doesn't make me feel better. It's the opposite, Jack. So what? Do you just...pick up every fucked up person or do you turn them?" Morgan wasn't pissed to be exact. Raymond has seen her more than pissed, and never again will he tell someone he hasn't seen the devil. She was upset.

"You're not the only one "fucked up", alright.-" Jack started.

"I know, Jack. I know this job fucks you up in all types of ways.- Why the hell do you think I'm concerned. - I have the right to be because I'm not handing my baggage to some rando." Morgan paused to control herself, "Look, Jack. I will go to this...Dr. Hannibal Lecter. If we don't get my brother involved, okay?" Morgan held her hand out.

Jack sighed through his nose and glanced at Raymond. He simply shrugged at him.

"As much as I hate you guys jumping back into the rabbit hole. I agree with Cat." He shoved his hands in his pockets, "Plus I rather be the only one in the family that doesn't get nightmare's."

Jack looked back at Morgan, "Fine." And shook her hand, then the deal was made.


F.B.I HQ, Quantico, Virginia

"So, what do you think this... Good Doctor is going to be like?" Raymond asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

They were headed to Jack's office at 6 a.m. slowly. Well, Morgan was walking slowly and Raymond was just matching her pace. Morgan never woke up this early unless she slept in earlier. Morgan believes in a healthy sleep schedule but usually forgets or dismisses the healthy lifestyle.

"I don't know. Old." Morgan shook her head at her brother.

She could careless who he was or how he looked. Morgan never planned on talking to him during their new sessions. She thought about staying silent, and sitting very still. Maybe he wouldn't notice her then. Or she could stand in the shadows like Batman.

The man walked in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. The spiked liquid coffee in her hands swirled around her cup violently which she almost spilled. Morgan was growing a tad impatient with her brother. 

Raymond held a big smile on his face(which only irritated her more, how can someone be happy at this hour!?), "Let's make a bet."

"Why?" Morgan walked around him, he trails closely behind. "To wake you up of course." 

Morgan scoffed, "And you don't think that will suck you back up into your gambling addiction?" 

Raymond played the hurt victim, "Are you trying to say I'm manipulating you to become my excuse to fall back into my gambling addiction?" 

Morgan stopped, her face wrinkling in confusion, "I barely understood that. All I got was that Terresa is a terrible influence on you." She shook her head and continued to walk, "Stop hanging out with her on Tuesdays and Fridays."

Raymond laughed behind her, "You're right." 

"Of course I am." Morgan opens the Jack's door, letting them in.

She immediately notices a man, who she presumes is the psychiatrist, sitting in the right seat across from Jack. The psychiatrist looks up at them and stands up with a greeting smile. 

He had light brown hair that parted to the side, sharp jawline and cheekbones. His lips were thin, and his eyes were sunken in, creating a deep shadow below his faint brows.

Morgan's baby hairs stood up when she noticed the same familiar eyes behind the doctor that she saw back at the house. Her mind was playing tricks on her, and she knew this. This was the second time, and she was starting to consider heavily if coming back was ever a good idea.

Morgan took a deep breath and walked over to them, greeting the two with a smile. Jack stood up and gestured to the older man.

"Morgan, Raymond, this is Dr. Hannibal Lecter. The one I told you about." Jack introduced.

Hannibal leaned over his chair and offered them a hand. Raymond shook his hand when he came up, but it took a minute for Morgan. She mirrored his expression: Her lips curled, but her eyes didn't crease. 

His hands were surprisingly rough yet it felt like the outer layer was cold. Morgan didn't if it was his firm grip that made her skin crawl or because Jack apparently just liked his office cold as the damn Artic. 

They all sat down with Raymond sitting on the very left and Morgan sitting in the middle. 

Morgan shifted in her seat, "So how do we begin?"

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