Ep. 5 The Appointment

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Morgan and Reedus went over the file together all of last night. They were so  engrossed in the Hobbs case and in the Surgeon case. They had completely forgotten that Morgan had an appointment the day after, and the two were completely groggy when they woke up.... Well, Morgan was the only one who was groggy. 
On the day of the appointment, Raymond had to do everything. Wake his sister up, make breakfast, make the coffees, and get the car ready. He had to drag his sister out of the car in some old clothes. Morgan was, of course, reluctant but came around when she remembered that if she didn't go, Jack would leave court just to drag her to therapy.
In a way, Morgan suspected that was his way of repaying them for when they were kids.
Morgan grabbed the hotel blanket and brought it to the car before wrapping it around herself and taking a nap in the back seat as Raymond drove.

Hannibal's Building, Baltimore, Maryland

Parking into a space, Raymond lowered the Spanish radio and eyed Morgan in the rear view mirror. She was sleeping soundly. That was until Raymond honked the car's horn. Morgan jumped, her eyes darted everywhere looking for danger. She settled when she saw Raymond’s large grin.
"We're here. You're a few minutes early." Morgan pushed herself in between the driver and the passenger seat. She inspected the building for a minute before opening the car door.
Raymond grabbed the blanket from around her, "You're not taking this with you. It's bad enough that you look like you slept on the street."
Morgan gave him a lazy and sarcastic smile before stepping out.
"And try to get something out of today," Morgan closed the door, Raymond lowered the passenger window, "...please."  Raymond shouted as his sister angrily waddled away.
Raymond looked into a window, hoping it was Dr. Lecter's office, "Good luck." He muttered under his breath.

In the building, Morgan searched for the board with the names of people and their services. She found Hannibals' name pretty quickly, which was strange because it was a big building, and very few people worked here. As Morgan got to Hannibal's floor, she felt confused as there were two doors with no name. Too tired to care, she picked the first door and sat in the waiting room.
In less than 2 minutes, Dr. Lecter came walking with another patient. Whom Morgan caught the name of before the two knew she was there.

"We'll be seeing each other next Monday, Franklyn." Hannibal said, holding a small smile and holding his hand out.
His patient, a shorter chubby man with brown curly hair, came out all happily. He shook his doctor's hand eagerly, then paused when he noticed a certain glare.
"Oh," He was startled, "Hello, miss?"
Hannibal turned around, and Morgan could almost swear he was startled as well. But just for a second. Just for a second.
The doctor smiled at her. Again.
Out of respect - or as much as she could pull, she stood up and sleepy smiled back. She was willing to bet she looked high to them.
"'Morning." She said.
"Good morning to you, too, Miss Reedus." Hannibal greeted.
He then looked over 'Franklyn' and basically told him to leave faster but in his own charming way. Morgan noticed that the short blob didn't seem to appreciate being pushed out that quickly.
Hannibal closed the waiting room door, which made Morgan wonder why he had 2 doors. He turned around to face her and gestured to enter his office. Morgan obeyed and quickly settled in the seat opposite the door. She instantly checked her watch and began her timer. Hannibal closed the door behind him for some privacy.
"I apologize if I cause anything between you guys. I didn't really know which door to use." Morgan said.
She tried to be as respectful as much as she could because she knew if she didn’t he might complain to her boss, and he'd choose yet another psychiatrist for her. Morgan shifted in her chair and laid horizontally, leaving her legs to dangle off the side.
Hannibal moved to his desk, turning his back to her to collect his notepad and his pen before starting the session, "Thank you. But you did nothing wrong. It was a simple mistake. Next time, please use the last door. That is my waiting room."
Morgan replies, "Aye aye, Doctor."
Hannibal turns around and notices Morgan snuggled up against the backrest with her arms wrapped around herself.
He stopped prior to even making a step. He was taken aback by how comfortable she made herself. He didn't really feel offended by her, but he did find it quite amusing how vulnerable she looked.
Hannibal walked to his chair and crossed his legs. Morgan peeked at him, seeing him write something down.
"Did you sleep at all last night?" Hannibal asked, setting his pen down on the glass table.
With closed eyes, she answered him, "Not really no."
"Can I ask what the reason was then?" Hannibal asked, realizing how little detail she gave.
"What did he do?"
Morgan shifted to a more comfortable position.
"Nothing." She sighed out, "Absolutly nothing."
Hannibal tilted his head to the side ever so slightly intrigued. He assumed she was also being used for cases by the agent.
"And that makes you upset?" He lead.
Morgan opened her eyes but didn't look at him, "No." And she was sincere.
"I know Jack is using me for his gain, I don't mind that."
Hannibal felt she was hinting towards something. So he probed.
"What do you mind then?"
Morgan looked at him. A change in emotion displayed of worry on her face, "Since I've left, he's chosen another proxy."
Hannibal's curiosity perked at this. He knew she was talking about Will Graham, and if they knew each other, that meant Hannibal had a new toy to play against him.
"You mean Will Graham?"
Morgan hummed.
"I've known Jack since me and my brothers were young. I know how to handle him. Will doesn't." Morgan stares in thought, "I can already tell he's starting to break."
Morgan closes her eyes again and readjusts herself.
"I know he's one of your patients. Will Graham."
Hannibal corrected the ends of his suit. He found it rude for her to ask about a patient of his. Gossiping about his private sessions is not something he takes lightly.
"Miss Reedus, I'm afraid I do not condone talking about anything about my patients." He sets out his hand briefly to emphasize the importance of it.
Morgan smiled at that, "I'm afraid you've mistaken me for another type of person, Doctor. That's not what I was going to ask."
Hannibal stayed quiet monetarily,
"Then what were you going to ask?"
She paused with each sentence, speaking carefully, "I know we don't know each other to owe each other anything. But I was hoping to ask you to protect Will from Jack."
Hannibal finally realized why Crawford wanted Morgan to check with him. Morgan sympathized and empathize with others. She almost reminded him of Graham. They could careless about the world around them, but they also could feel the world around them and yet feel unbothered by it. Hannibal actually theorized that she must have been the first 'Will Graham' that Jack used. Morgan did mention that they knew each other when she was younger.  Perhaps even growing up with each other. He was keen to know if her mind worked similar to Graham's or differently. Now, he found her very intriguing.
... That day, Hannibal found a new game to play.

I wanted to be dramatic with this. I hope I accomplished that. 👍🏼

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