Ep. 11 Dinner At the Crawford's

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(ill try to make this short but i just wanted to add this to give yall some info on Morgan. Bryh i forogt to add the ep thingy)
Changed: 4/6/2024

Crawford's Residence,  Virginia. 

Jack and Phillis sat silently in the living room with the fireplace on and light music on. Both of them were doing their own thing, Phillis was doing a crossword puzzle on floor beside a coffee table. While Jack sat on the couch reading a book. His wife noticed immediately how his odd behavior. He kept checking his watch and the front door every minute. 

Phillis didn't look up from his book. After 30 years of marriage, she could read him better than that book he was pretending to read. 

"Is someone suppose to show up at the door? Because your not checking your watch for the fun of it." Phillis asked, writing each letter to a word in each box. 

Jack knew he was caught. He thought it was better to just tell her and ruin the surprise. However, to much his luck and surprise, the front doorbell rang. Jack swiftly got up and ran to the door as Phillis smiled to herself, "Seems there're here." 

"Sounds like you don't want us here." Phillis' expression fell at the familiar voice.

Phillis turned her head around in surprised. She practically flew out of her seat and greeted her guest in an embrace, "Cat!" 

Morgan squeezed back happily, "Phiphi."

Phillis pulled back and held her at arms length, admiring her. "You have grown so much!" 

Phillis turned to Raymond, doing the same to him, "Ray! Oh how you both have grown. I almost didn't recognize you two."

"Yeah. It's been a minute." Phillis rose a brow at her and crossed her arms over her, "Speaking of which after all these years, you decided to visit today?" Phillis looks them up and down suspiciously, "What happened?"

Raymond slipped his hands in his jean pockets, glancing at Morgan as if to agree with him, "Nothing happened. We just thought to visit you guys here." 

"Something must have happened for you to come back." Phillis eyed Morgan, "You promised to never come back here." Morgan's head fell remembering that day. 

Raymond turned around, "You didn't tell her, Jack?" he asked. Phillis arms dropped to her side and looked behind him at her husband, "Tell me what?"

Jack sighs, "Someone is copying Nigel Hill." 

Phillis looks at Morgan, she takes her hands in hers, "I'm so sorry you, honey. I know you both, well especially you, have wanted to escape this." 

Morgan shrugged, "I move on quick. Just need this catch his guy before kills again."

"Wait. Isn't he dead though?" Phillis asked, looking between the three. 

Jack moved behind Raymond and into the kitchen with the quesadilla. Raymond nodded, "Yes, he died more than 6 years ago, I think. We thought that was the end. There were no details on the case that were given to the public, but of course journalist here seem to be very good at their jobs." Everyone began to follow Jack into the dining room, "Supposedly, some journalists found out Hill had left letters, books, about his life, and where he hid the bodies."

"And it seems someone has found them and/or Nigel gave it to him before he died." 

Phillis nodded, "How did he die again? If I can ask." 

"He died of heart failure. Knowing he was going to die, he probably told his whole life to that person."

Morgan looked up at everyone, "Personally, I think he planned the whole thing before he died. Everything looked way too perfect. I think's he's peen practicing."

Jack put the dish aside and straightened up, "You think there's more than those 2 victims?" 

Morgan sighed, "Maybe." 

They moved the conversation to the dining room, and they all sat down near each other. Jack unraveled the quesadilla and began cutting pieces to share out to everyone. Raymond made coffee. Once he found out that they never changed the location of their kitchen appliances, Morgan smiled at Phillis.

"Everything's still the same, huh." Morgan chuckled.

"Yup." Jack said, going over to help Raymond.

"So how long have you guys actually been here?" Phillis asked Morgan.

Before Morgan could answer, Raymond and Jack came back to the table with everyone's coffee. Jack decided to answer, "Well, they came here about a week ago on Sunday." Phillis eyed Morgan and Raymond. They shrugged, "I'm sorry, but we're pretty busy."

"Yes, from visiting the crime scene, signing over their old house in Wolf Trap, taking the things from their house in a black bag and refreshing their mind of old cases from my office and making copies." Jack listed, eating his food.

Phillis tilted her head, "What is this about a black bag." Phillis glanced at Raymond then at Morgan, "We're you able to save things from the fire?"

Morgan eyes flickered to Jack as his stayed on her, unmoving. So this is why he invited them. She moved onto Raymond and had a silent conversation.

Morgan looked back at her, "Yeah."

"What were you able to save?" Phillis asked.

Morgan sighed. She leaned back and decided to tell them.

"Just some childhood photos and sentimental things. " Morgan said. She could see that Phillis bought it, and Jack, well, he didn't.

The night ended with the Crawford hugging them goodbye. As they watched from their doorway, the Reedus's walked to their car.

"I can't believe him." Raymond said, fuming. "Why did you tell them?" He asked, rounding the corner of the vehicle. He opened the door and slipped in as Morgan did the same.

"Well, it's not like I told them everything." Morgan smiled at him, putting on her seat belt. "Just enough to feed his for a while."

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