Ep. 9 Friends?

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F.B.I Academy, Quantico, Virginia

Will took his cup of coffee from the barista at the little stand. He had just finished his last class for the day and was headed back for some peace and silence. When he turned around, he noticed a familiar face at a small round table next to a large window. Morgan wore small headphones to drown out the noise coming from some rowdy students outside the cafeteria. She sat alone with a file in hand, probably researching the Orphio case.
Will's dormant curiosity from the first day he met her reignited again when he laid eyes on her. Granted, the meeting was brief and very vague, and yet she made an impression on him. A terrible impression, where he has a nightmare every once in a while with her - or rather with the woman who has her face. Since those nightmares began, his mind hasn't given Morgan the best of... reputation.
He wondered if he took this chance to talk to her, that he might change the way he thinks about her. Maybe it would help him get out of his comfort zone willingly and not where Jack forces him out unwillingly. Perhaps he might even make a new friend today. A friend that understands Jack being nuisances and could complain, too.

Will walked up to Morgan and greeted her, "Hey,"

Morgan turned her head, having heard a little voice outside her music. Will suddenly felt nervous under her stare. He was taken aback by how big her eyes got when she noticed him. She looked so innocent, like a puppy. It was almost cute...

"Hey.... Will Graham, right?" She asked. He nodded.

He smiled at her, "Yeah," He gestured to her with his coffee, "Morgan...?"

Morgan offered him her hand. He shook it. "Reedus, Morgan Reedus. Nice to actually meet you."

Will glanced at his feet and smiled.

Morgan remembers the open chair in front of her, then gestured, "Would you, uh, like take a seat? Maybe you can help me down out the rowdy bunch over there." Morgan took down her headphones, pointing at a group of students beside them.

Will turned around and grabbed one of the student's attention, "Hey, Mr. Adler! Do you and your friends mind keeping it down?"

"Of course, Professor. Sorry."

Will nodded a silent 'thanks' and turned back around. Morgan nodded as Will took the seat across from her and set his laptop bag at his feet.

"'Didn't know you were a professor too." Morgan leaned back in her seat with a smug look on her face.

"You're a professor?" He asked, surprised.

"Don't act surprised." Morgan brightened up, smiling at him.

Out of instinct, Will matched her friendliness. "Huh. What, what do you teach?"

Morgan gestured to him with a nod, "You first."
"I teach forensic psychology. You?" "Psych."
"Where do you teach?"
"In Spain, University of Madrid."
"Oh, you live in Spain?"
"Yeah." Morgan closed her file and set it down, "Living there for about 10 years now."
"You thinking about moving here?"
Morgan shook her head and snorted. Will smiled at her behavior.
"Absolutely not! I'm not trying to get used to another weather pattern again. Last time that happened, I had such a bad migraine that the best place in the house was my shower. I practically lived there. My brother couldn't shower for 2 weeks. His boss even called me to tell me that he smelled so bad that even the criminals were complaining."
For the first time in a while, Will laughed. A genuine laugh, short and sweet. The previous rowdy students even stopped their conversations to try and listen in. They almost thought their professor couldn't laugh until now.
As his laughter died down, he asked a question he's been wanting to know for a while now.
"I didn't know your brother was a cop. Is that how you know Jack?" Will pushed up his glasses before taking a sip of his coffee.
Morgan tilted her head to the side, "No." She looks out the window in thought, "We knew each other way back then." Morgan brings back her attention to him, "He's my Godfather."
Internally, Will almost died. Externally, Will almost choked on his drink. He managed to swallow the hot liquid and move on. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and set down his drink.
"Oh-oh. I, uh, didn't know that -"
"He could be trusted with a child?" Morgan tried joking, sensing some tension in the air.
Will chuckled uncomfortably. He looked away in thought. Once he came to a conclusion, he looked back at Morgan. He seems to trust her enough.
"Can I ask you a personal question?" Will asked warily.
Morgan's expression changed almost unnoticeable and swiftly. Will believe that she expected what he was asking about. Even if he didn't verbally say it.
Morgan didn't seem upset or bothered at all. However, she did seem reluctant and...sad?
"It's about the Surgeon case."
Morgan listened.
"Who was he to you?" Morgan raised her brow at him.
"Mr. Hill?"
Morgan sighed through her nose and looked away, taking note of any listening ears. She looked back at Will, her expression falling.
"I...used to know him." Morgan said, shrugging. She didn't know what else to add to that, and it seemed Will caught on.
Silence settled between them, but it wasn't your average awkward silence where nobody knew what to say to keep the conversation going. Their silence was their way of showing understanding to each other. Will understood she must have some trauma of some kind, and Morgan knew that Will was a kind soul just trying to make a new friend. And perhaps, she could make a new friend as well.
Will stared at her momentarily before reminding himself of the file.
"So," Will nodded his head to her file, "Did you find any new lead on the Surgeon case?" He asked.
Leaning in, he crossed his arms over the table and placed his chin in between. He was starting to get comfortable around her, and Morgan knew this.
She grinned sheepishly and glanced away. Morgan flapped the file against the edge.
"Not yet. I'm afraid to say that the only new lead we'll get is at the next funeral." Morgan sucked the inner part of her bottom lip, making a small noise.
Will hummed. He straightened up yet still leaned against the table. He offered his hand.
"I can take a look at it." He offered.
Morgan purses her lips. Will noticed her hesitancy.
"No, you already have a case with that family, right? You should keep your focused on them. They need you right now."
Will's mind grew so distracted by the strange warmth inside his stomach when she said that that he didn't even realize that she was redirecting him. Perhaps he thought of her much more than a potential friend now.
Morgan looked at her watch. She quickly shoved the file in her bag, stood up, and slung the bag over her shoulder. She turned her head down to Will, smiling.
"Sorry, but I got to go. Hope you solve your case." Morgan stood parallel to him and gently slaped his shoulder adoring, "The stress is already taking a toll on you, my friend."
Will stared forward before realizing what she said and although he felt like she was just repeating an old saying, he wondered if there was any truth to that sentence. He turned in his seat to face her a little better, and his right arm laid on the thin backrest.
"Wait." Will called out just enough for her to hear and the group of students.
"'Friends'?" Will half asked his question but apparently him and Morgan were telepathic because that's all he needed to say for her to understand what he meant.
Morgan shrugged, glancing at the windows and back at him.
"It's up to you. Just to let you know, I come with baggage." Morgan grinned, "Think about it." She said.
As the charming woman walked away, it left Will thinking. He didn't have many friends - actually he didn't have any or at least he didn't think so. He wouldn't count Alan as a friend because they barely talk, and not Hannibal since he's his psychostrist, and most definilty not Jack.
The boy in the rowdy bunch, Harvey Adler, shifted in his seat to face his teacher. His face held a cheeky grin and wrinkled eyes. Will could help but notice his mischievous looks.
"You gonna hit that, Professor Graham?"
Will's face heated almost unnaturally, and it didn't help that the rest of his 'gang' sent 'OoOoOh's his way. He had to leave before things got worse for him. However, as he left space, he felt...happy. A happyness he only remmeber having as an innocent kid. And he wanted to keep the feeling going.

It's 12, I'm tired I have no idea if I might change it but so far I like it. Hope yall do too♡ peace out ✌️

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