⋘ » ☆08||Disposition« ⋙

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Then something clicked. Jun decided that she would date Yuichiro instead to make it clear she wasn't in a relationship with Muichiro.

 Jun decided that she would date Yuichiro instead to make it clear she wasn't in a relationship with Muichiro

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Despite of Meiko's constant sobbing, it was all quiet in Jun's mind.

Dead silent.

Keiko put her phone out of Jun's sight, knowing better than showing her any more of that terrible evidence she and Meiko has taken.

"No, no no no no..." Jun whispered. Her blood ran cold in her veins.

Keiko sniffed a little quietly.

"We have to do something," Jun blurted out and didn't seem to mind that fact that she accidentally spit on Meiko. 

"Q-quickly," Keiko added.

They, for the first time, skipped class to crack even more ideas. Unfortunately, almost all of them got crossed out strictly by Jun.

"No! No way that's gonna work! Guys, come on... Think..." Jun pleaded, desperation lacing her voice. 

"D-demo... that's all we could think o-" Keiko started.

"Matte! I've got it!" Meiko gasped, nearly choking on her own breath.

Keiko and Jun both turned their full attention to Meiko in the speed of lightning.

"What if Keiko and I invite Kamado-san to a movie night? We could subtly gather more information without raising suspicion! After all, she doesn't even know us!"

"So you guys are just going to invite her as strangers? Wouldn't that be even... weirder?" Jun, as the older and wiser one, pointed out.

"Of course not, Jun-chan!" Meiko laughed, "She's in the same art class as Keiko and I, so it's gonna be pretty easy!"

A gloom of hope started rising up in Jun's chest. 

"Why didn't you two tell me that earlier?! That could have been useful to know!" Jun told them, not bothering to hide the relief in her voice.

Keiko swiped out a piece of notebook paper and a pen with white tips on the edge that matched her soft khaki-colored backpack.

"Here, Jun-chan! You can write on that," Keiko said to Jun.

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