⋘ » ☆09||Encounter« ⋙

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She finally realized that her path was set. Her fate wasn't with Muichiro. She swore to stop endeavoring to win the male's favor.  For the universe wished her well with Haruto. Nothing could change that. She was ready to feel his embrace.

"Hai, I'll go with you."


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"Nezuko-chan! M-Matte!" Keiko rushed quickly after the fuming female, her voice begging to be acknowledged. 

But Nezuko didn't care. She had been betrayed by everyone around her. Jun had faked being amiable just to coax Muichiro into her hands. When she thought that Muichiro liked her back, he fell into Jun's fox trap. And now, just when she anticipated and thought cheerily that she had made some new friends, they worked with Jun. 

It was as if the universe wished death unto her. She knew her path. If fate wasn't on her side, she would have to write her own story and just pray that her life will turn out. Betrayal had been onto her ever since she joined the school.

But beyond the sober clouds and dusty mist was many lustrous faces: all Nezuko's siblings and family members. 

"You can do it, Nezuko-chan! We believe in you!" They chanted. 

But the faces of her loved ones soon faded into mist, and the somber aura returned. Yet even in the worst moments, a beautiful pale face with raven onyx hair and alluring chartreuse eyes brightened with kindness. Why had she wasted so much time before fussing over Muichiro? Haruto must have been waiting for her since forever. Why hadn't she seen?

Nezuko spontaneously whipped her head around fiercely, her perfect hair fluttering to her sides as she turned to face the twins. 

"Nani!?" She demanded harshly, "What is it that you want from me? Haven't you taken enough already!?" 

Keiko halted and took a minute to catch her breath. When she looked up, her eyes were filled with guilt. 

"Hai... We are related to Kimura Jun. But she is merely our cousin. Our mothers are siblings. But it doesn't mean we wo-"

"URUSAI!" Nezuko snapped viciously, "When will you people finally stop lying to me? I've always blamed myself regardless of the truth, just to have it all ensnare me in a fox trap all over again!"

"Our ambition does not lie within that standard! Believe me when I say, we just want to help you!" Keiko argued in an exhausted tone. 

Nezuko scoffed in disbelief. How could someone possibly have such as massive ego, even after evidence has exposed their true colors? 

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