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Bobby's point of view

I hear my phone ring I move my chair over to it wondering who would be calling me...when I pick up it a deep stern voice that sound also very professional. "Hello Captain Nash house 118." I say when the person mentions Buck I think great what now. "I can't tell you who I am from as I don't know if he told you but you need to tell Evan Buckley that Boarn said that it a green on 2343 he will know exactly what I mean." I scoff laughing as why can't he do it.

"Why can't you tell him." "It will compromise the case he needs to know and trust me I will know if you tell him or not." I look at the phone and roll my eyes. "Buckley my office now!" 

"Y-Yes cap?" He asks god I hate the stupid prick he is the most selfish person in the world. "Some weird dude that said his name was Boarn said it's a green on 2343 and you would no what that means." Buck face goes pale and he breaks out in a sweat. "P-Please tell me this is another one of your pranks Bobby please." I scoff and roll my eyes. "I don't got time for pranks."


Buck's aka Baby Seal point of view

I take a gulp not wanting to believe it. I am freaking out and scared fuck this year can't get any worse.  I say walking off and telling him a lie. "Yeah nothing to bad just out of the blue." 


"God it is so quite."

 I say grabbing my shoulder after Eddie had shoved to the ground and thank god the bells goes off. I grab a few things out of my locker. I put my keys and phone on the bench I grab the cash out of my wallet and set it back down.. My shoulder and rib sore from the recent beating I had just gotten for saying the Q word I have been back on the job for three months and have been benched the whole time. 

I make one last call before leaving the station

"Hey Buck you ok." "1991-1979" I say voice shaky I hear Maddie gasp out loud and her getting up from her seat. "Evan...no please tell me." "I love you Mads I will always love you." I say hanging up and putting my phone back on the bench and leaving. 

I stop by Athena's place so she knows I am leaving not gonna tell her where or why. "Hey Buckaroo don't you have work?" I give her a smile and a hug shaking my head. "Not till tonight I just wanted to say I love you Thena but I have to leave ok."

"What do you mean?" "The thing you found out a few months ago because I left them out of my shirt that you are absolutely not allowed to tell the other I got to go I love you." I say leaving her with my dog tags, I start to run as fast as I can at a jog.

I run inside the only key I brought was my apartment key what the others don't know is I moved. I run to my hall closet and start ripping about the floor boards to revel a duffle bag it has three pistols my rifle sniper and a nice thick vest.

I grab it out getting the dust out and putting the vest on, I put on a pair of tights and than some sweats. I attach my good pistol loaded on my right hip my other good one on my left and the third one around my left ankle and pull my sweater and sweats over them. I quickly pack some clothes reach deeper in grabbing my amo and packing that I keep two reloads on me.

I leave a few notes around the apartment and leave to the pick up location I have 15 minutes to get there. It's in an empty field for a chopper pick up. I ignore the thought in my head pushing them to the back of my mind as I see the chopper I take a deep breath. 

"Got ya Glocks Baby SEAL." I roll my eyes and lift up my shirts and open my duffle bag. "They sent you Tk...and shut up your two years younger than me I am having a real shit year!" I say putting my seatbelt on knowing were headed to Hawaii. "Hey going to the island state right...did you tell anyone you were leaving only my sister and Athena knows I am falling off the map?" 

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