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Bobby's point of view

The next morning.

I walk into the station Buck locker hasn't been touched at all I shake my head and roll my eyes. I start on the paper work that's ahead of me when there's an email for me to call chief Alonzo at 1230 pm which is worrying I shrug it off and do the other paper work till 930.

"Something up with Maddie she is pissed at me...and she says that it's not her place to say anything." Chimney says making me scrunch my face because that's exactly how Athena was acting last night. "Huh weird Chim wonder why?" Eddie responds sipping on his coffee Hen off in her own little world. "No it's going straight to voice mail fuck...fuck where are you Buckaroo?" I roll my eyes there still 20 minutes before work.

Maddie walks into the station tears in her eyes what is going on with the women? "Hold up Maddie I grabbed his keys for ya along with his wallet." Why would Hen have his keys and wallet now that is weird. "What is going on with every women we know right now?" "I have no clue Eddie."

I walk down to hear what their saying. "Have we been able to find his phone?" Hen asks her and Maddie looking through his locker. "No like I said he made me swear to never tell anyone specifics...but it's bad Hen he's had to do this five other times and it was like he never existed he's smart when he is having to use all his brain cells he seems stupid because his brain isn't stimulated enough with his life. But he's good at disappearing the first time he sucked the second time better third time amazing fourth time there was no use of trying 5th didn't talk to him for two months than 1 minute conversations for another three months once a week. He is good at having to hide."

What is Maddie talking about what does she mean Buck has disappeared before and this is confusing. "Hey Maddie have you seen your brother he left the middle of shift yesterday and is ten minutes late today."

"Nope we haven't talked for over a week...maybe he just hates you." She says grabbing his keys and wallet. "H-Hey cap can you give us a minute." Hen says shutting the door and turning on the shower.


Maddie's point of view

My phone starts to ring from a blocked number I answer. "Maddie it 1991 I want to say I love you and that you can tell Hen that's the only other person whos allowed to know about past...how's baby?." "Baby good 1991 and do you want to say high to Hen?"

"Sure quick no real name." I already had him on speaker phone. "Hey Hen hope your good I will be I love you." Buck says quickly and Hen says she loves him as well and he hangs up at 58 seconds making me tear up. "1991?" "I'll explain when were for sure alone and not with nosy people." I give Hen a hug who pulls me up the stairs.

"Cap I need the day off please." He gives her a weird look and sighs and looks like he's thinking. "I need her for something at the dispatch center." I say lying through my teeth guess it just a Buckley thing at this point me and Buck have kept his secrets for years. "Ok sure I guess it will just be a light duty day for the station anyway.

We get back to mine and Chimneys place, I unplug all tv, computers, cameras, and anything that can be hacked I tell Hen to turn off her phone as I do mine. When it comes to his past me and Buck are extremely cautious he said if it wasn't for me he would have Doug killed the second year he was in the SEALS.

"OK so Buck was in the SEALS...the Bravo team so all of his cases are extremely classified so there stuff I don't know to this day." I take a deep breath setting Jee down in her crib she is 2 months old god I wish I wasn't breastfeeding.

"Wait but Buck said that-" "That he couldn't turn off his emotions he tells every person that because it seems very true...he is very good at that I bet you guys didn't know he had a husband in Florida." Hen face drops opens from shock. "Buck married?"

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