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Casey's point of view

"No biological brothers." When Buck said that it felt like somebody took my brain shook it and put it back in my head. "Come again?" Levi says hand over his mouth after two minutes of silence. "I found out when I was 9 and TK was 7...it's stupid n-not worth it." Buck says shaking his head everyone sharing looks at each other. "Buck just tell them ok it will finally be one less secret." 

"My I don't know my mom the one I grew up with till I was 9 who I thought was my mother and our real mom got pregnant at the same time. The thing is both our parents knew each other...well the baby who was meant to be me died and was only created for the purpose of saving my dead brother. Well turned out I was a match for Daniel as well so Owen switched the birth tags because he didn't want a kid anyway yet and they knew our real mom d-didn't she thought her baby had died." Buck voice slowly getting lower and lower like he's ashamed of himself.

"The cells didn't take and he had died a year later...they always hated and resented me and when Maddie left to Boston they told me and forced Owen to take me because they didn't want me anymore...when our mother found out with DNA testing it was all true she was pissed she divorced Owen and tried to fight for custody and lost that's when we really moved to Austin for the first time." Buck is barley audible at this point were all standing there pissed and also feeling really bad for the two boys.

"Owen treated me like garbage until I ran away at 14 ended up back with them who sent me back on a one way ticket. Owen told us we were never allowed to tell anyone what they did and that the story you herd is what had happened. I than left at 18 when Maddie gave me the jeep and told me to be free from who she thinks are my parents and I went to Texas at 19 and caught up with TK when I told him I was gonna join the SEALS he begged me to wait one more year so he could to." Buck isn't daring to look up at me or anyone else.

"Owen wasn't a good father is all I'm gonna say he blamed me and TK for their divorce he only wanted us to spite her." Buck has tears falling down his cheek and I embrace the two boys into a hug I am ten years older than them and it breaks my heart that they went through that. "D-Does Maddie know?" 

"I do now." We all spin back and freeze and Buck tries to walk away and leave. "Evan stop is all of that true?" He doesn't answer shit he turned it off he won't turn it back on either his face is cold and hard as he just stands there. "TK?" "Yeah it's all true he was worse to Buck than me though I was ignored Buck was neglected and borderline abused we started coming here a lot to get away and hide." Tk mumbles under his breath and walks a few steps back as well wanting a place to escape to.

"Why didn't you tell me...why didn't they tell me?" TK shrugs and takes another step back their so badly wanting to run.


Week later

Buck and TK have said no more than three sentences to anyone since last week finding out everyone...they completely shut it off and that would be useful if we were on a mission but shut off emotions on down time means all they do is be there and nod.

"Babe it's me open the door please you need to at least tell me your ok." I plea at his motel door and he doesn't answer or open the door. 

I didn't want to do this but he hasn't came out of his motel room or said he's ok in over three days I take my foot slamming into the middle of the door three times breaking it open. "Evan are you ok no one has seen or herd you in three days!" I say busting into his room and looking for him and he's on the bed just laying there when I see a needle sticking out of his abdomen making me rush to him. 

Insulin the actual fuck oh no...I call 911 expecting a diabetic coma please don't be dead by this. I call Morgan. "You need to check on TK right freaking now I think somebody tried to till Buck!" I yell into the phone he's barley breathing drenched in sweat and shaking. "He isn't answering." "Break the damn door somebody stuck a non diabetic Buck with insulin!" I yell to the phone I hear thud after thud than crack. 

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