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Buck's point of view

"You gonna come to Hen and Athena your family to...Baby SEAL right we claimed you the second we knew about you your stuck with us." Oliver says clearing the extra seats in the huge van we use and strapping in the baby in the seat. "Isn't she adorable?" I say giving baby Jee a kiss on the top of her head. "She really is Maddie congratulations on giving us a niece to spoil the hell out of her." Levi says looking at the five month old baby.

"So come on you to your coming to don't worry Morgan is driving she the most sane one in the group of us...your our family." I say helping them in and grabbing my crutches catching the attention of Athena. "Ok fine we'll come if you tell us what happened to your knee this time?" "He was shot by the crazed lunatic that was trying to kill him." "Levi!" I yell at him smacking my head than getting smacked by Athena and Hen. "I had to make myself bait to keep you three safe I will not say sorry for that."

I say buckling up and putting my brace on. "Evan your supposed to wear that 24/7 dude for the next 8 weeks!" TK growls at me and I just shrug my shoulders not caring as it whatever I hate these braces. 

Levi throws a bottle at me making me grumble and punch his arm Hen and Athena are confused as hell as we start to smack each other upside the head Maddie just on her phone being used to it. "This is normal trust me these guys are always like this just wait till one of them get in one of their 'play' fights." I roll my eyes and TK speaks up and says. "We are not that bad Maddie...plus it's fun fucking around." 

"TK you and Buck are impossible to deal with together...shooting at each other on zip lines you could have gotten hurt!" I laugh as that was really freaking fun and dangerous doing that. "Ok we were all really young in our twenty's in that picture ok." Athena is rolling her eyes shaking her eyes.

"Hey I said they claimed you I never said the people who claimed you as family was mentally sound." I say joking and laughing feeling so happy to be around everyone I love and care for...this is my bother and sisterhood. "It's fine Buck you seem happy...really happy never seen this kind of a smile from you." I grab her hand and rub it giving her a smile.

"Hey your part of this brotherhood ok and sisterhood and this is my brotherhood with you and those two Bobby and the 118 never gave me my happiness even before the truck it was all fake and that because I learned to run hide and mask early in my life and I promise if I do move states I will come and visit every chance I get."

"I know Buck I just love ya that's all." "He knows that...I know don't know each other but all he talked about the last three months is the three of you." Everret tells Athena and she smiles and roll her eyes. 


A week later

"Buck use those damn crutches." Maddie growls and I grab them and groan not wanting to use them as she gives me a kiss on the top of my head. "Yeah were headed off to Austin after all the paper work is done so TK can see his family for a few weeks...were waiting for my damn knee so were taking the next 7 weeks to catch up than who knows what's next." I say trying to do the dishes for Maddie who I have been staying with per her request because I no longer have an apartment.

"No Buck you are not doing the dishes it's Chim's turn to do them and you need to not be on your knee." She says grabbing the sponge out of my hands making me groan and roll my eyes at her. "It was just a gunshot wound...and plus I am living in yours and one of the people who hates me house. I have had worse than a gunshot...being blown up by a bomb at 22 and somehow survived, being crushed by a ladder truck at 27 I am fine." I say looking at the her and she doesn't budge.

I hear Chimney mumble under his breath. "Yeah probably being dramatic." I roll my eyes and grab my bag an huff. "Yeah don't remember ever talking to you but whatever." I clock my gun back putting it in my belt area and throwing on my thin vest and going for the door. "No Buck don't go ignore him he just a salty asshole!"

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