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Buck's point of view

Two weeks later.

"Fuck it." I mumble under my breath as I slowly get out of my bed and rummage through my bag grabbing a memory card. I put a shirt on then my thick vest than a sweater I put my sweats over my shorts. I grab my pistols and my night vision scope even though it is 0600 I have been up all night. 

I take a deep breath and grab the phone and very carefully step outside of the house closing the door and I get about 50 feet. "Evan what are you doing?" I hear Tk voice and I stop moving fuck me. "Uh just going on a walk go back to bed." "A walk with your vest that has reloads in them Buck really?"

"Just go back to bed TK ok...I'll be back by 1200." I growl at him as I see him throwing on his vest and add a few reloads himself. "No you are not coming...I don't know who is out to get us and we have been here for two months and we don't know I am going to figure it out and you have people back home." I say unclipping his vest and shaking my head and pulling it over his head.

"No either we go together as the buddy system or I go and tell Morgan and Oliver that your about to leave the safe house." I sigh and look at him with pleading eyes not wanting him to come. "I don't want to be the reason you get hurt if things go south Tyler." 

"Evan were ride or dies...I am not gonna let you go out there alone so I come or tell." "Fuck fine you are an ass." I say telling him to grab his thin vest that we wear in here on as well as the thick one. 

We walk to the fence and we start to climb it. "Last chance for you to stay here Mischief." I say hoping he takes the fucking out. "Not a chance Baby SEAL." I roll my eyes as we drop to the ground on the other side. "Come on library 50 miles from here Gotta hurry up and keep and eye out." I say keeping a pistol in my hand as we walk the hidden part together.

After a five hour walk we get to the library fuck we are so busted by now we walk into it I get a libary card under the name Mat Evers to be able to use the computer I get onto the computer and start the hacking that will take a few hours. "Make sure nobody is looking at the computer screen because I am using my typing skills for something that you know what I mean." I whisper over to TK who nods and stands guard.


Morgan's point of view

I wake up knowing I am getting sick for the fact that it is 1200 and I look around to see Levi in bed passed out go figure. Everret is reading like always I see Oliver working out Casey is in the ocean I take a scan and walk around. "Has anyone see Baby SEAL or Mischief today?" I ask not being able to find them on the privet property. "No thought they were in there." "Have those two been left unattended together?" 

"I don't know I woke up and they weren't...oh fuck check their bags look for their vest and back up pistols." Oliver yells as we run into the house to grab their bags. "Baby SEAL bag only has his fucking sniper, clothes and rifle...what about Mischief?" Oliver yells out as my heart stops fuck.

"Fuck check the door logs right now!" I order as I am the one in charge when Boarn isn't around. "It shows the door being open and shut at 0601 and than again at 0610 than again at 0625 than when the rest of us leaving it open." Oliver says Levi groans throwing a pillow at us. "Fuck so one of them left waking up the other and the one threatened to tell if the one didn't allow them to join."

"Levi wake up now...Casey get in here, Everret you as well we need to talk." Levi opens his eyes groans and rubs his eyes. "What's up why didn't you call the other fools?" Levi asks me and I sigh. "Because they have gone rouge...their not in the boarder by the door logs it looks like they have been gone since 0630 I am going to call Boarn and see what we are to do but be ready we might be told to pair up to find them."

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