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Morgan's point of view

The next day

"Is there anyway to talk you out of this?" I ask setting my hands on Baby SEAL shoulders after putting on the thickest vest the Navy owns looking at him with sad eyes. "Nope...you cleared the whole floor right to prepare for bullets so nobody gets hurt right?" He asks and I give him a sad look knowing that was a long shot. "I tried remember once he enters the building and breaks into your apartment it will take us 45 seconds to get there if you are having trouble."

"He's dead on sight." He says his face dark but also filled with fear and anger. "This will be the last time that family comes after me or my family." He growls putting the ear piece in as he starts to walk away we are following him from a far if he has to leave the apartment than we will be following him until Stiles is deceased.

 "And yes we cleared the floor and put everyone in and their pets in motel they know they can't go in...hopefully we won't have anyone breaching security that isn't Majida Stiles because as you know we will be hidden in vans and our two snipers TK and Casey are best snipers will be on watch and we have two other snipers from another team for the other two doors all four exits will be covered. Me and the others will be in the van the whole time 24/7 against wishes you will never be alone Baby SEAL we will be 45 seconds so fight for that long." I say in the ear peice that we have to keep contact with each other. 

"I know Mom I will never give up...it's not over till it's over." He says making me smile as I get into the van with everyone else and we drive to the apartment.


Buck's point of view

I lock the door and set my bag down and take a deep breath. "Apartment cleared at 0900 on 3/20/20." I say clicking into the ear piece feeling slight nerves as I sit on the ground and stare at the door my pistol in my hand. 


"How ya doing Baby SEAL?" Morgan asks I smile and respond with. "Glad to have my phone back I'm hoping that using it will draw him to me sooner than later just want this done and over with." I sigh scrolling through social I pay some overdue bills and start to work on my letter to quit. "I can't wait to quit Lafd and to see Bobby's face when we do what we have planned." 

"Oh my god that is gonna be so freaking funny to watch him shit his pants." Tk says laughing and I also laugh. "God I know they think I am just this stupid kid who knows nothing but just wait and see."


"I put on our wedding bands I thought I'd never bring myself to wear the neckless Maddie put them on." I say a tear filling up in my eye looking at the engravings in the bands...mine says I never thought I would need a SEAL...his says you saved the person you married. "Is that a good thing or should we be worried?" Oliver asks making me let out a laugh and a huge smile before I answer Morgan cuts in. 

"It's a good thing he's allowing himself to remember the good things." "Exactly your words got to me Mom." I say smiling holding the rings in my hands as I mess with them.

Three days later.


"Think he's coming soon?" I ask the tension building in the air I managed to sleep four hours last night. "Don't know Baby SEAL...did you mange to sleep last night" "About four hours what about you guys dad?" 

"Uh TK and Casey ended up coming down allowing somebody else to take over...so everyone managed to get sleep I promised Morgan that I would sleep when she wakes up. How are you on food do you need to go to a store?" He asks me and I look at my pantries and think.

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