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TK point of view aka Mischief

Two weeks later

"You better stop right there boys!" Oliver growls as me and Buck are climbing up the trees with our snipers. "It was his idea...were bored." God damnit Buck you ass.

"We can't even have music cause the generator broke...we have nothing to do!" I whine as we climb down the trees un happily. "I know it sucks and it's been awhile since you been in hiding but there nothing we can do about it and I was told because of the dumb remark Casey made we are not being told what is going on were in the dark." 

Buck goes storming in the house yelling at Casey, they really need to just kiss already. "Were wanting them end game by the end of this right?" I ask as every watches them bicker with each other and we hold back laughs. "Yes they need to get together...they should have been a long time ago." Levi responds as we just watch the two men bicker and bicker like a married couple.

It's like a tv show to be honest. "Because of your stupid ass we are now being kept in the damn dark cause you couldn't keep your mouth shut!" Buck yells at Casey who just rolls his eyes at him making the 5 of us hiss at that. "So what I made a mistake, sorry but we have been here two weeks and it's looking like it gonna be like 2013." 

"Because of you!" Buck growls at him his arms are crossed. "Oh well I am sorry." "We could have found a way to take them down now we can't!" He says smacking the back of the head making them break out in a fight Buck knocking him out. "Could have seen that happening a thousands miles away." Everret says scoffing and than laughing than retorting with. "They are so in love." Making us all nods our head this is exactly how Buck and his husband was at the beginning of the relationship.

Than Buck picks him up cleaning up his face and puts him on the bed, he is the strangest person in the world. "Ok but the only people I have seen beat Baby Seal in a fight is...Boarn, Conards, and Oliver." Levi says grabbing a warm beer making me cringe when I use to drink I never.


Bobby's point of view

"Athena Buck still hasn't came back to work." I say breathing heavily and scared at this point what if something bad has happened that is bad. "I think somebody named Boarn abducted him or something...Athena talk to me!" 

She goes to say something when there a knock on the door...I go and open it to see Maddie there and I go to give her a hug and she pushes off of me. "I can't talk to you until the investigation is through I am here for Athena." She hisses making me frown why is there an investigation in the first place where is Buck? 

"Hey Athena you ready to go get lunch and hope 1991 comes up?" "Yup lets go Maddie...lets go pray and hope I need to get away from my stupid husband." She says stabbing a tiny hole in my heart from that comment and what is 1991 have to do with anything. 


Three weeks later

I see a officer who has S.W.A.T uniform on walks into the station taking a deep breath I go up to them. "Uh can I help you?" "I am with S.W.A.T in charge of an open investigation that has been brought to our attention and I need to talk to you and everyone here in the station...and the case won't be closed today either my name is Thor Conards." My eyes pop open fear in my chest rises making me worry.

"Uh about what?" I ask my voice shaky and my mouth now dry. "For abuse of a government worker Evan Buckley." "Government worker what do you mean by that?" 

"I am not at liberty to disclose what part he is in due to privacy reasons but a case was open with proof now we can do this the easy way or hard." "We all want lawyers before questioning." I say putting my foot down and not talking. 

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