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TK's point of view

We get to the 126 station and get out of the car and I help Buck against his wishes but he's just an asshole. We walk up to the station and the rigs are gone so I walk them to the lounge my dad is gonna be so excited to see me but than kill me for rejoining...to late now already signed the paper work the government owns me. 

"So TK you ready to be murdered?" Buck mocks and I just roll my eyes at him and the others start laughing Casey is sitting next to Buck I can't believe their finally dating they think we don't notice the hand on the thigh so I grab my phone and take a quick picture and send it to Maddie and Athena. "Really dude!" Buck yells out and I laugh and get another one with hands up when the rigs pull in we all stand up Buck using his crutches.

My dad  jumps out of the engine running into me hugging me and I just smile as I am surrounded. "Hey dad how ya been?" I ask him as he pulls back looking at everyone. "LA what are you doing here with the crew." My dad face goes pale as he was told not to tell people.

"It's ok Owen secret out...I'm a SEAL me and TK spent our whole time in the military with each other we've known each other since he was 13 and I was 15 when I ran away from home Owen made me stay with him and TK up in new York." Their jaws are dropped and everyone is laughing their asses off.

"Yeah I wasn't gonna let a 15 year old live on the streets up in New York so I brought him home and they clicked instantly." My dad says giving Buck a hug and scruffing his hair making him furrow his brows.

"Wait but you guys hated each other when the 118 came down speaking how have ya been LA." I bite my cheek blocking Buck from my dad knowing my dad is gonna be pissed he didn't tell him. "Uh hectic I mean...I ended up quitting FD after we were cleared of making me bait and no me and TK are best fucking friends ride or dies." My dad looks at Buck noticing the crutches and crossing his arms.

"What happened to your leg this time?" Buck goes closer to Morgan and Oliver trying to hide a bit. "Ok you know what happened t-to Luca well the brother of his killer...was out for blood I made Boarn get protection to my last little LA family knowing he wanted me things got ugly and it's just a gunshot wound to the knee 6 more weeks of these damn crutches." Buck says everyone from my SEAL brotherhood starts snickering and my fire brotherhood have the reaction everyone has when he says just a gunshot wound.

"Ok what do you mean the last of your LA family?" "Baby SEAL ex fire fam are assholes who abused him badly when he went back after lawsuit." Levi says bluntly and I nod because Buck would have tried to SEAL his way out of that. "What! and stop walking into suicide situations Buck!"

"It wasn't that bad ok...not as bad as what TK has to tell you me and him are rejoining the SEALS Bravo team!" I look back at him my best friend just betrayed me...everyone behind me go ooooh the people in front of me are pissed I am trapped.

Before I have the chance to run my dad grabs my shirt so I can't run. "I am gonna kill you Baby SEAL!" I yell my dad glaring at me and putting me in a chair and crossing his arms. "Why?" "Because I want to and my ride or die is rejoining your the one who brought him home." I say knowing there's no room to lie everyone from the 126 has tears in their eyes. "It's to late to go back stuck for two years dad...and plus I only really left being a SEAL because you almost died." I say looking at him hoping he takes it easy.

"TK you have a whole life here in Texas." "I have a life with my brothers to...your the reason I barley see my brothers because it's almost like your ashamed of me! We are gonna be here for at least 6 weeks waiting for Buck's knee to heal up all the way." I say looking at him with hurt everyone now has the same faces on their face.

"I-I Tk...that's not." "Than why is it the fact that you hate my first brotherhood I only became a firefighter to make you happy...he only became a firefighter to make you happy but it has brought the two of us nothing but pain! You act ashamed of us so if it's not that tell me what it is!" I yell at him standing up and pushing him to the truth.

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