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Chaewon almost ran to the HYBE building, even if she was a no show or not she know that she would've received a beating from their CEO and managers anyways, her members were just as intrigued as her all of them clicked on the link that sent them to the dispatch page.

Chaewon looked through the photo's of Minju giving her, her jacket which was easily manipulatable to make it look like Minju was kissing Chaewon on the cheek and she leaned in only to fix her jacket around the idol.

"Im so sorry Minju, I really should've been more careful" Chaewon look up the girl apologetically.

"Its fine Unnie you shouldn't have to apologies for something a normal human being would do, really Chae no worries." It was nice hearing the reassurance from Minju but she still blamed herself from not even thinking about Dispatch, ever since she debuted in Le sserafim they were always on her tail. They were called into the board meeting a few seconds later, greeted by the CEO and a few publicists, Chaewon's heart was racing from the adrenaline as she looked around the table only to see serious expressions with others working hard on finding a solution.

"Chaewon when I said you could do the drama with Minju..., I really didn't expect you to be caught up with a dating rumor with her" Chaewon met her CEO with serious eyes, she may have looked composed from the outside but she was scared for the next words to come out of him mouth. She felt a pair of hands caressing her back, only looking up to see the sincere face of Minju.

"PD-nim, im sure we can deny the rumors and explain what actually happened and if I had i withdraw from the production of the drama then-"

She stopped her sentence upon seeing her manager telling her to pause, it took a quick second to realize what she just said, "If I had to withdraw from the production of the drama" she messed up, Minju probably thought she was a selfish bastard when she heard that. Slowly turning her gaze to Minju mouth a small "I'm sorry", she was left with reassurances from Minju telling her its okay to look after her career.

"Chaewon I don't think you understand the sheer amount of popularity this article has garnered and its been getting more positive reviews than negative" The way Chaewon snapped her head to look at her boss almost hurt looking at, waiting for him to continue "We've decided that it'll be better off going with the flow on the scandal"

"All the other idols that we've captured had the exact story as you, going with the dating, acting out the fake relationship for 6 months then once everyone moved on we release a a break up statement." The publicist explained "Of course, we would need your permission upon doing this, unless you would want to explain what would actually happening." This guy was just guilt-tripping Minju and I she thought.

"Yeah I would be fine with that." Minju spoke turning her head to Chaewon seemingly trying to find the same response from her too "Chae I know it might seem risky but I don't want to risk your new acting career, you've worked so hard already, I don't wanna waste that."

How can you put my career before yours Min? Chaewon wanted to say but she knew it would start a whole conversation with the younger that she would just rather have between themselves.

"If that's what you want Minju, I'll follow."

Their CEO looked back and fourth between then, before whispering something to girls' manager that was later passed onto the rest of them expect the two girls. The CEO left after thanking everyone and bowing to the others, Minju was the one that alarmed Chaewon that it was okay for then to leave now. Chaewon fiddled with her arms on the way back, wanting to ask a question to Minju before they start their 'fake' relationship, but before she had the chance to ask her the younger pulled her aside to one of the many couch's in the building.

"What's up Unnie I know somethings bothering you" Minju said with a concerned tone wanting to get an answer.

"How can you only priorities my career when yours in involved too?" Chaewon tried to say as fast as she can as she looked up to meet Minju's eyes "Why do you always make my heart race when you choose to priorities me" It was low enough for Minju not to pick up.

"Because it was you I grew up with Chaewon, I saw you training and having to stay extra hours with me, I priorities your career because it feels right ever since you re-debuted I looked up to you to becoming finding another path" Minju said with a smile "If it weren't for you I wouldn't have become and actress." She continued with an airy laugh, maybe this was why Chaewon had stayed those extra hours, it was just to stay with Minju longer. To know she was Minu's inspiration on why she wanted to act made her lips curve into a soft smile.


Whenever Chaewon was able to spend time with Minju it felt like she was on cloud nine, since they were instructed by their companies to spend more time with each other  it felt like they were never separated to begin with, once they were strolling down at the park where they had their first dinner date with one another for who knows how many years. They stopped by at a local ice cream shop were Chaewon always took her members, of course she was bound to take the actress there once in a while.

Maybe it was just her instincts but she already felt a few flashes of camera's when they entered, Chaewon just told Minju to pick a flavor for herself, ultimately resulting in Minju getting Chaewon mint chocolate ice cream, she was so happy that the younger had to silence her when she heard the idols excited gasp drawing multiple peoples attention towards them.

It was fun getting to spend more time with her again, Minju thought, she didn't expect her offer to end up with them having to fake their relationship and be tangled up with dating scandals, like the first episode isn't even out yet? Despite all the chaos the actress found it soothing hearing Chaewon talking even if she's cussing at a game at her phone or when her anger issue's get to her ,in defense of Chaewon who commented about this topic 

"Its not me a who has anger issue's its just the people around me being too slow"

Minju giggles whenever she remember the idol saying this, the next time they go out was to a zoo around their area, Chaewon was scared most of the time probably because of this one guy wrapping a snake around her neck looking like she was gonna cry and second, Minju was laughing her ass off, taking multiple photos and videos of her that she'll keep safe not only in her gallery but also in her heart, when she said this to Chaewon the older mimicked a face of disgust before laughing along with actress. She quickly wrapped her arms around the very scared Chaewon before heading to the tiger safari, this experience didn't help the older from her snake trauma. After all their hours spent together they hopped into the car Minju inviting Chaewon to have a ride with her complaining its too dangerous to leave her out in the dark, Chaewon comfortably laid her head onto Minju's shoulder soon falling asleep the beating of her heart.

All the while the other members of Le sserafim were constantly teasing Chaewon about her (fake) girlfriend, and Chaewon doesn't necessarily know when she'll be fed up enough to just smack Yunjin across the face, of course Yunjin wasn't the only one that was teasing but she felt she would be the perfect target anyways. Aside from the teasing Sakura shot knowing eyes at Chaewon, she recalled the younger saying that she would move on from Kim Minju but she was the first to know that would never be true at all, it was just the matter of waiting until Chaewon gets hit with realization like a truck and just drift away from Minju again.

"Unnie you should really invite her over!" Kazuha began "Tomorrow's the premiere of the drama right? We should all watch it together!"

"Yeah Unnie please I don't think I've talked to her every since we debuted" Yunjin started ranting, and in the end gave a poor imitation of when puppies want something, Chaewon said that Yunjin looked liked an owl which the younger didn't find pleasing at all.

Right before Yunjin was about the slap the consciousness of out Chaewon she warned that if she did she wouldn't invite Minju over, it worked in the end, the leader was also excited about the release the next day, she had forgotten to drop by and see the final product so it would be a surprise for her too, and she though watching it with Minju was a great way to start her acting career. And before she knew it, she pulled up her phone dialing Minju's number in hope of accepting her offer to stop by tomorrow.

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