Mistakes that made us

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Chaewon gazed around at the stadium in awe, standing proudly on the stadium they always wished to perform in, hearts pounding to the rhythm of the music, singing their lines as the people watching them held their phones up high in the air trying to get a small glimpse of the 5 girls.

"Thank you everyone for coming today, we know much time you took out of your day to see us and we really appreciate it that you came!" The crowd cheered gleefully at the comment, jumping up and down from their seats chanting their names. The other members prepared a brief speech to their fans, saying how much they loved and adored them, it was a wholesome moment that Chaewon knew she'd treasure for the rest of her life and as her members finished she was the only one left to say her final words before they had to say goodbye for the night.

"I know that our fans know this since all of us said it already but we love all of you, thank you for the support and care that you gave us during our time, I remembers when we were still rookies that we never even were able to dream performing at this stadium with you guys. Looking back I've seen how much all of us grew with you guys! I couldn't have wished for a better outcome, spending 5 years with fearnots is amazing and I'll hope to see you guys on our 6th anniversary soon! Have a good night everyone!"

Almost 5 years since Minju left.

Chaewon stayed up that night wanting to only think of the good memories with their fans, it bothered her, so much she couldn't get a wink of sleep that night. She remembered the time where Minju cancelled her schedule to stay with her when she was sick, the walks in the park they had with each other, the last day she spend with Minju where she found out the girl knew everything. Their breakup announcement didn't go unheard, numerous fandoms hopped on the sadness wishing they had broken up without drama.

If only they knew.

The last thing she thought of was the day where Minju left, the final goodbyes, the day they were honest with their feelings, but it was too late. Chaewon smashed her head into her pillow wanting to go back and relive that moment again, she accepted her feelings and were free to talk about them too her members but she was 5 years too late. The last smile and tears appeared at the same time, wishing to forget them completely, until she could think any further she dozed off to sleep thinking of the person that made her heart beat like no one ever could.


"Do we really have to attend the interview?" Eunchae said annoyed, she may be well past 20 but she still acted the same as she was in their debut days, her annoyance was perfectly valid. Their CEO called them that very morning saying they need to have the interview today.

"Eunchae we have to go, after this we have a whole month to ourselves" Chaewon may have said it so easily right now but she never expected how much she needed to open up during that time.

They were all brought into separate rooms, wanting to get an honest answer out of all of them, Chaewon answered them swiftly almost memorizing the answers before had but one particular question stuck out to her.

"Of course, having such huge success has anyone ever caught the heart of the idol?"

The interviewer asked with a big grin knowing that one way or another that he'll get a true answer from the idol.

"Well I've been quite busy lately for all the projects we have to do, so dating has been off my radar for now. I have really been interested in anyone lately and of course I'd like to focus on my career and fans, the love that they give is enough for me."

"Well I see you have forgotten about Kim Minju when you say that?" 

Chaewon paused at the question knowing that it'll be asked but was still shaken up by it. The idol took a deep breath and though of a sincere answer, recalling the many time she had to hide and stary from the urge of being honest to Minju. 

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