It feels too real

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Minju and Chaewon spent the rest of the week together, Chaewon carried the burden of having to hold back knowing what will happen if she does tell Minju, they were fine right now and the idol didn't want to change that. The though of losing the younger all over again haunted her..

"Chae you ok?" Minju questioned her worriedly "You've been off ever since we started shooting."

Chaewon looked up at her giving her a brief smile before it faded away standing up to take Minju's hand intertwining them together.

"Im fine Minju, just don't feel the best today that's it." A pout came from the actress obviously concerned about her health, it wasn't the first time she was sick ever since they were together recalling the first time Chaewon was sick, laying in bed with a high temperature.

A nice warm hug landed on Chaewon's back when she said that, it always felt comforting whenever Minju got clingy or randomly hugged her, it was just her noticing that she wasn't even a millimeter from moving on, maybe even falling in love harder in the process.


The hug was only broken when their director called them over, they had a specific scene together that marked the moment Seonbi (Chaewon) realized that when her and Yu-mi (Minju) mission to find out who actually killed her turned into a game of trying not to get attached with each other, the drama portrayed their feelings towards the two characters as if they were trapped in a game, Seonbi knew about her mortality being fake while Yu-mi didn't and if she left the other wouldn't understand it was a way of trying to run in different directions while trying to hold the other too.

A losing game.

"3, 2, 1, ACTION!"  

Seonbi saw Yu-mi silently sitting at the rooftop they first met, it was home to her, not to her family anymore, Yu-mi made her feel loved and maybe if they weren't able to solve the case Seonbi was content enough with her new found joy.

"You seem awfully quiet today Yu." Sitting beside her wanting to see what was bothering the detective.

"Your the one that's awfully quiet," Staring at the girl who just sat beside her. "Your quietly drifting away Seonbi." The girl locked in their gaze wanting to tell the detective the truth, it hurt, the lies they believed to keep them together was the ones breaking them apart.

"Just because I can't have you doesn't mean I wouldn't choose you in every other lifetime." The truth that needed to be said, the truth that was going to break both their hearts at the same time. "Right person, wrong time."

"The right person, wrong time was never true to begin with because if they were the right person why would you meet at the wrong time. Was it just a sick joke?" Yu-Mi felt tears finally roll down her face the cold breeze keeping them at a halt from staining her clothes. Seonbi always knew that she couldn't have her but she was poisoned by something called hope and she drank that poison fully aware it would kill her slowly.

Yu-Mi stood up wanting to let go.

"Out of all the tricks that have been played on me... your trick seemed to have had a lasting effect that is the hardest I'd ever had to let go."

Seonbi stayed at the rooftop peering up at the night sky, heart filled with regret wanting to replay their story over and over again until she was numb enough to endure the pain.

"A deceptive game I created, a false role I played to avenge mine. Why? Why does it feel like it torturing me now?"


Chaewon stayed sitting down, knowing that one day that'll happen to them too. A gulp was the only thing her body could do. Minju slowly walked her way to Chaewon, the months they spent together built up to her knowing that there was something on her mind bothering her.

"I hope you know im not going to drift away." Minju started seeing if this was what bothered the older girl, "Even if it meant lying to the whole world to have you..."

"You don't have to lie to anyone Min, if they saw how we are together im sure they'll know that i love you to bits." Another truth that needed to be said, maybe not the the way Chaewon wanted Minju to interpreted it but at least she was able to say it out loud.

"I love to bits too."


When her and Chaewon weren't together Minju always found herself slacking around waiting for a text from the older, Minju wasn't one to stride away from her feelings she was one to acknowledge them and put them to a stop when she felt them become too intense.

Chaewon was different, her feelings towards the idol was trapped in a bottle for years never tipping over or losing a single drop but with them spending time with each other the bottle felt like it would explode any moment now, it was the thrill that drove her to Chaewon, the comforting times they spend together, the high and lows.

She couldn't exactly remember when she first felt the spark when her and Chaewon were together, maybe it was when they were sitting in their chairs giving out their final speeches to Wiz*one, maybe their first year anniversary, but it was mostly likely the times they were in the training rooms together.

"I cant love her but I love her at the same time..."


"Chaewon you cant keep going on like this... I know you love her but why would you hurt yourself for that." Sakura always had a point.

"Because unnie, I can't fall in love with her again, it was the reason we felt apart why would I blind and hurt myself more if I knew it would just happen all over again!" With Minju she was able to keep herself composed to a point where she doesn't break down in tears, but with her members she couldn't, even if the topic was brought up she couldn't help but feel shallow.

"I love her but I cant love her at the same time..."

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