I love you

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"Hey Min." Chaewon greeted her as she opened the door, "What's with the sudden visit?"

Minju took off her shoes and rushed up to Chaewon taking her in a tight embrace, she was suppose to surprise the older later on, it struck her that maybe these feelings for the idol wasn't a joke anymore, maybe that over the past months they've been together Chaewon would've developed something towards her too.

"Nothing Chaewon, I just missed you." A low murmur only they could hear, Chaewon promptly returned the hug, getting devoured into the warmth feeling, it was wrong she thought, but how could she stride away from the person who made her life beam with colors.

It was time to stay away, the idol and their CEO had just recently had a meeting, saying that their relationship can come to a halt, she knew it was going to happen, to her she took it as an opportunity to move on, something she should have done years ago...

It wasn't a small dagger that continuosly stabbed her every time her and Minju met, it was a if she was held at gunpoint, one wrong slip of the mouth and she'll mess up.

"Chae lets go out." Minju anticipated to to lead Chaewon on from there, they've been hanging out the dorms for almost an hour now.

"Huh? Where to?" Chaewon babbled through her mouth. Minju left her hanging just telling her to dress comfortably, whatever Minju says Chaewon will obey.

They called over a driver to drive them to the beach it all started.

"Surprise!" Minju bought a small beach house near the shoreline, beautifully constructed with wood, large windows that pointed out to the ocean. Chaewon's mouth went wide quickly turning into a big smile.

"Yah! What is the meaning of this Kim Minju!" Chaewon shouted, they were the only ones of the beach and it was an amazing time to come visit, remembered that this specific part didn't really get visited that often but it was still weird that it was completely isolated. "Why is it so empty I would expect it be even a little crowded.

"The land was also included when I bought the house, I thought might as well buy it for you." Minju said grinning, receiving a harsh slap on the arm from the idol lecturing her about the importance on saving money and not making impulsive decisions. Deep in her heart it swelled with the longing to finally say the words they both longed to hear.

They ventured through the house, Chaewon specifically loving the freezer stocked with mint chocolate ice cream. They saw the singular king sized bed and looked at each other.

"You just love me that much don't you?" Chaewon winked, the change in her personality startled her too but a voice reminded her that it was okay, it was okay to be consumed by your feelings this one time Chaewon. "Wanna play around on the beach?"

They both ran around in the sand for ages, it was like they never grew old to begin with, the sun beaming on them, the waves gently hitting the shore, them dressed in comfortable clothes not restrained to the tight and uneasy feeling of them being watched by their fans, it was being together that made them happy, everything was perfect and if they weren't public figures in the first place Chaewon imagines their lives together like this everyday.

The sweat on their face was evident, choosing to sit down not mind how dirty their clothes would get.

"I wish everyday was like this, you know." Chaewon said in the midst of the moment, chuckling at her own words.

"Why cant it?" Minju gave her that stupid smile she fell in love with, "Its not like anyone's stopping us from hanging out with each other, or is there?" Their eyes met, it was time to tell the truth.

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