Sick days

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Minju had fallen asleep that night, the last things she remembered was all the screaming and cheering from Chaewon's members and the stupid amount of food they all ordered last night, upon finally gaining enough strength she extended her arm to look at new notifications, one being from her agency alerting her that the article will be put up soon.

With this they were also booked a few interviews to clear up any confusion, their companies were trying to milk out all the fame they could out of this scandal, Minju was milking it out for the time she can spend with the idol rolling over to see her fast asleep with small eyebags, Chaewon looked so peaceful in this moment, like a small baby that still hasn't gotten sleep yet, Minju thought the many times she saw the older appear with her hair and make up done fit in outfits that cost up to thousands of dollars.

Seeing her in such a vulnerable state was rare even for Minju, the leader was always confident and outgoing, always trying to lead her team tot he best of her abilities, now here she is in bed with Minju clinging on a nearby pillow she stole from the actress. With a small swipe of her hand Minju gently put some hair strands behind the sleeping's ear wanting to her whole face, it was wrong to feel like this, it was wrong to think of the idol like this, it was wrong even if they were to enter a fake relationship, Minju knew all of this and it ran through her head multiple times when they were together.

"Minju-yah." Chaewon said in a raspy voice, opening her eyes to see Minju staring at her fondly looking like she was only in bed to admire her, she wasn't wrong. Before she could croak out another word a cough caught her first.

Minju propped herself up onto her shoulders, quickly raising her hand onto Chaewon's forehead worried that she might be sick.

"Chae your sick, you shouldn't get out of bed" Minju spoke in a soft yet worried tone as she watched as Chaewon was slowly standing up from the bed seemingly about to go to the living room to have breakfast. Chaewon being the stubborn one she was, was not going to listen to Minju shuffling her way over to the dining table along with her other members, Minju standing right behind her ready to catch her if she fell down.

"Morning" Her members looked up at her strange then looked at Minju, just the their eyes she knew they were questioning if she knew the idol was alright, returning a subtle shake of the head.

"Unnie are you alright?" Kazuha questioned "You sound like a horse from her voice" She quickly received a harsh slap from Yunjin, knowing that it'll only anger their leader more, surprisingly she didn't, only signaling Minju to come reach a box of cereal from the top cupboard, the members looked them up and down still clueless from why Chaewon hasn't told anyone to shut up in the last few minutes, most of the times she was sick she was mostly grumpy and not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Now they were watching as the both of them were exchanging smiles and were eyeing Minju down on her every step, ready to evacuate her from the scene when Chaewon got mad.

It was almost 9 o'clock when they woke up, Minju would normally check her phone every minute or so making sure she wouldn't be called in last second for a shooting but chose not to this morning, the look on Chaewon made her wanna laugh but feel pity at the same time, even if herself and the members already were encouraging Chaewon to rest and reassuring her that it would be fine with missing out their training, but Chaewon is Chaewon and kept telling her members that she'll be fine. Waving Minju a goodbye before she was chased away by Chaewon to enjoy the rest of her day.


Chaewon was not okay.

"Thanks for letting me in, unnie. I was texting her throughout the filming, I got really worried when she wasn't replying" Minju says as she took off her shoes entering their dorm room.

"No need to worry Minju, you were probably worried all morning, I hope you weren't too distracted from work."

It was a distraction. She tried reaching out to Chaewon knowing the state she was in but she couldn't help herself from worrying when she already sent her 7th text and none of them where being seen. Minju's shoot was finished by noon, by that time they were already an hour ahead of their expected finish time completely by Minju as even their director asked her in personal if she was doing fine. She finally gave in and dialed Sakura, which resulted in her dashing to their dorms.

Minju shrugs in response, and asks instead "Can I see her?"

Sakura nods, letting Minju venture deeper into the apartment. "Min, Ill have to catch up with the others at dance practice soon, make yourself at home, ok? We're pretty sure Chaewon's still asleep we've given her some medicine already, Thank you for this Minju, we know how much work you've had lately, you really didn't have to." Sakura smiles at her taking her in an embrace before heading leaving.

Minju invites herself into the olders room, door making a small squeaking sound as she creeped it open, the small click from the door was enough to elicit a groan from Chaewon.

"Chae?" She gives out a soft call as she steps closer towards the bed.

Theres a slight shuffling and a another groan before she peered over her shoulder, seeing a tall figure hovering over her bed, a figure that she memorized so well, "Minju." it was a happy whisper that came from the idol, she slowly pulled away her comforters sliding the right side of her bed opening her arms so that Minju could be in them.

The actress gently slid into the warmth of Chaewon's bed, the idol quickly taking in her presence and shifting some of her weight onto Minju, nuzzling her head into her shoulder, Minju's hands roaming onto Chaewon's back rubbing it softly.

"Kkura unnie worries too much, she probably caused me more stress than my sickness." A small yet weak chuckle left the sick girl "Don't even get me started on Yunjin, she already spilt hot soup on me right after you left, I didn't want to get you sick Min that's why I chased you out of our dorm," Minju lifted her head slightly to get s glimpse of the sleepy girl, "Right now I just want some peace and sleep."

"Do you want me to go Chae? You look really tired." The older shook her head as soon as she heard the comment leave her mouth, it was a small yet meaningful gesture, and maybe Minju didn't want to leave in the first place.

"My peace is you." Chaewon blurted out, burying her head deeper into the comfort of the older girl "I missed you."

Minju let out a small hum in response savoring the unfiltered Chaewon that was in her arms, "I missed you too, Chae." Chaewon tried to have a small celebration when she heard that, Chaewon loved this feeling, against Minju in a dimly lit room, the continuous beat of her heart, she could get used to this she thought.

"Minju-yah, can you stay even just for a little longer?" Chaewon asks followed with her lifting up her head to see Minju's reaction. "Even just for a little bit is fine with me I-" Chaewon looks away briefly eyes landing on everything expect Minju's face before meeting her face again.

"I kept complaining to the others that i wished you were there, I knew you had schedule today I couldn't get you sick." This warmed Minju's heart, even if Chaewon was the one dealing with her sickness she still prioritized to not get her sick. For once she's not sporting the fierce look she carries as an idol. She just looks so vulnerable, lips forming a small put and doe eyes trying to stay open.

"I just want to stay with you." The final words drifted out of the sick girls mouth before drifting off to sleep, Minju found comfort in their position choosing to get her phone and text her manager requesting if she'll be able to get today and tomorrow off, as their breathing started to match she felt herself slowly losing drowsing off into the smell of Chaewon's perfume.

Everything's perfect.

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