Flashback Paperback Edition- The Talk

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The Talk

"Lord Alden," Lord Cassius said, dipping his head in what could barely count as a bow before he stepped aside to let Alden enter the Shores of Solace – aka his used-to-be-secret-getaway-though-no-one-actually-wanted-to-go-there-with-him home. "I thought the Council ordered all of you Vackers to the Tribunal Hall today for the big verdict. It's all I've heard about these days. People do love a good scandal – and this is the best our world has seen in ages.

"The sentencing isn't until this afternoon," Alden explained, ignoring the rest of Cassius's jab as he made his way towards the mother-of-pearl walls. His teal eyes looked rather impressed as they skimmed over the fancy furniture and enormous ocean-view windows – but his gaze softened when he focused on the blond boy sprawled across one of the couches. "I was hoping I'd find you here."

Keefe pulled himself to his feet, making sure to brush all the crumbs from the butterblast he'd snacked on for breakfast onto the otherwise pristine floor. "Is everything okay?"

Alden nodded. "But I'd love a quick word with you if you don't mind. Perhaps somewhere a bit more private?"

"Or I can lock Lord Nosypants in a closet," Ro offered, striding out of the shadowy corner flashing a pointy-toothed grin.

How the pink-haired, heavily armed ogre princess could make people forget she was in the room was one of life's great mysteries.

"Let's save that fun for later," Keefe decided, leading Alden to the one place at his father's house where he felt like he could breathe: a wide outdoor patio facing a glittering black sand beach. Cushioned swings swayed in the salty wind, and Alden sank into one of them, watching the turquoise waves crash against the shore long enough for Keefe's brain to put together a pretty extensive list of scary things that might be happening.

Clearly Foster's ever-worrying ways were rubbing off on him.

"Sooo...," he said, dragging out the word as he plopped onto the swing next to Alden. "What's going on?"

"Nothing bad," Alden assured him. "I'm just hoping you'll be willing to attend the tribunal today."

Ro groaned. "Nooooooooo! Then I have to go, and everyone's going to be all smug and sparkly and give boring speeches about how brilliant they are – and I'm not even allowed to stab anybody!"

Keefe ignored her. "I thought it was family only."

"It was. But I've convinced the Council to make an exception, because Fitz is going to need a friend today."

Yeah, that was kind of an understatement. Keefe was pretty sure Fitz was going to go into rage-monster mode if the Council gave Alvar anything less than a life sentence. And if Alden felt the need to bring in reinforcements...

Keefe slumped back against the cushions. "Does that mean you know –"

"What I know," Alden interrupted, "is that I'm doing everything in my power to get my family through this."

Which wasn't really an answer.

"The thing is," he added quietly. "my son is far more likely to listen to you than he is to me. Especially under the circumstances."

"Okay, but if you're looking for a voice of wisdom, you'd be better off asking someone who's a bit more... shall we say, responsible?" Keefe felt the need to point out.

"I agree. Which is why I've arranged clearance for Sophie to attend as well."

"Perfect!" Ro jumped in. "Then you don't need us!"

"Actually, that's why I do." Alden's eyes dropped to his hands, his fingers twisting the edge of his embroidered cape. "You and I both know, Keefe, that my son doesn't necessarily excel at controlling his temper. And... I don't think either of us wants to see him channel any of that anger at Sophie. So if you're there –"

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