Chapter : 25

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The Unexpected.

The head centre is practically uprooted. The benches are broken into multiple pieces. The books have been burned to ashes. Burnt pages, broken wooden pieces are scattered all over the ground. Their study centers have been destroyed, each and every one of them. Her eyes fall over Brinda and Vivek, her two most trusted people. They are sitting amongst the mess that has been created. Brinda looks up at her, her eyes filled with tears. Vivek keeps rubbing ice on his upper arm. He has been attacked. That's when Pihu's eyes fall on Brinda's cheek, the bright red imprints of fingers stare back at her mockingly. As if screaming at her "you failed, you couldn't protect any of it".  Instead of feeling sad and defeated she feels the long buried rage surface back.

Just when she was about to move towards Brinda her steps pause, looking at the two emerging figures, all bloody and bruised. Leo and Purnit.

What on earth is happening?

Without uttering a word she looks at them suspiciously.

"We were passing by this place when we heard some commotion. When we arrived here, we saw her. That's it." Leo explains very confidently. Too confident for her liking.

"They saved us. They fought against the goons didi." Brinda finally utters.

"Have you informed the police?" Pihu asks her.

"No! They.... they threatened to harm you if we did." Vivek utters.

"I am standing here in one piece Vivek." She says as her eyes soften.
"You are hurt. Leo and Purnit is bleeding. How come only one person's safety became a priority here? You should've called the police. These might be temporary centers but we rented them with written permission from the local authorities. They can't just come and break them down." She says glancing around the mess.

"They said they had a notice." Vivek says standing up.

"Notices are served much before evacuation. I certainly don't remember receiving one. Brinda, take all of them to the hospital nearby. I have somewhere to go." She says turning around.

"Let's go then." Leo utters glancing back at Purnit and gesturing him to follow Brinda, as he trails behind Pihu.

"You don't need to come with me Leo. You need urgent medical assistance. Please.. I can...." She starts but gets interrupted.

"I know ma'am. You're self sufficient but please let me come with you. I can be useful, trust me." Leo offers to which she keeps looking at him curiously.

"Were you truly passing by or is there something else I need to know about?" She asks looking straight at him.

"I was passing by, that's a truth. But I want to help, that's something I would like you to know." Leo utters. Then without wasting another second he moves towards his car, opening the door to the passenger seat for her. She gets inside, followed by Leo. He was just about to start the engine when she places her hand over his wrist, stopping him midway. Leo looks at her furrowing his eyebrows. She takes away her hand and asks,

"Where do you keep the first aid box, don't tell me you don't have any?"

Leo widens his eyes.
"That won't be necessary ma'am. I'll handle this much injury. I am used to it." He tries to convince.

"Leo.." Pihu extends her hand with a tone of warning. He immediately brings out the small first aid box and hands it to her. She immediately starts cleaning his wounds and he keeps blinking like a lost puppy. After a few minutes when she's done mending his wounds, she hands him the box releasing a sigh of relief.

"Let's move now, to the police station."


"Leaving are we?" A known voice makes its appearance stopping Vulcan midway his packing. He turns around to find two figures standing at his doorstep. Right beside Ritwik stands Arjun. He nods his head at Arjun in acknowledgment.

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