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Taehyung's POV-

The dinner was uneventful but indeed, mom got a lot of dresses for me, both traditional and casuals.

"I love the dresses mom. Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"I am glad that you did. Now let's go and have dinner. You dad and are waiting in the dining room." he said and I nodded.

We then walked into the dining room where they were watching harry potter.

"Let's eat now." Mom said,

grabbing their attention.

We had the dinner while the  movie was on.

Wow!" I shrieked as harry potter use the magic wound .....

" more harry potter fan in the house." Mom said, looking at me and dad and jungkook started laughing.

"Unlucky you." Dad said and I looked on confused.

"Mom wanted a  son in law to give her company in watching serials and all. he got the opposite." Jungkook  clarified.

'Don't worry mom, I also like watching serials. We are going to have a marathon." I replied.

"Yes of course! he watches anything! Cartoons also." Jungkook taunted.

That was uncalled for! He did not have to tell this to mom and dad!

So what? Watching cartoons is completely okay. At least he is not boring like you." Mom told jungkook.

Ha! my NEW PARTNER IN CRIME! Take that Mr. Husband!

"That's not good jihoon. You cannot call him boring. He is workaholic." Dad added.

Good  taehyung good, now his whole family loves me and is taking my side!

After that, we left for home.
It was late that we reached and I was damn tired!

"Goodnight." I said and started climbing up the stairs to go to the bedroom but I somehow slipped and fell off six stairs.

Ouch! I am dead!" I started shouting, gripping my

"Taehyung , fuck!" He came to me and bent down.

"Let me see." He said, gripping my leg.

He had a look at my leg and started doing something with it which hurt bad.

"Stop.....ahh...leave it!" I screamed.

Wait Taehyung" He said and did something with
the leg and it stopped aching considerably.

Thank you." I muttered and I attempted to ge up but I couldn't.

My back was gone.

"Wait." He said and lifted me in bridal style.

Put me down! I can walk!" I exclaimed was so awkward!

"Taehyung...stop being stubborn and let me help
you." He said.

I closed my eyes.

He put me on the bed and went out of the room.

He entered again with a box.....first aid.

"Now taehyung, I want you to list your top up to your waist so that I can put the spray." He said and I hesitated.

Give me the spray. I'll do it." I told him.