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Taehyung's POV-

Some ten hours later, we landed at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. It must have been late evening there.

"This is beautiful!" I sighed as we entered the Presidential suite of Le Bristol. The hotel was just like a huge freaking palace!

"Merci sir'e." The hotel man who had escorted us to the room replied, smiling a little. I returned it.

"Monsieur, your luggage is already here." He said and jungkook nodded. Then he left us alone.

"This hotel must have costed you a fortune Jungkook. You shouldn't have..." I started but he cut me off.

"Taehyung, relax. You don't have to worry about any of it. Now I know that you're tired and so am I. Let's just freshen up and then have dinner. We'll order in. Okay?" Jungkook asked, his expressions going soft.

I nodded, sitting on the bed. It was so bouncy!

"You go and freshen up and then I will." I told him and he made his way to the washroom.

I, then explored the suite. It was so damn graceful and there was something very romantic about it.
Making my way to the balcony, I found an infinity pool right outside. OH MY GOD!!

This man has really gone all out. There is a freaking pool right outside in the terrace! I just stood there, taking in the beautiful city of Paris. I could really see the Eiffel Tower from where I was standing and it looked absolutely stunning!

"Enjoying the view?" A pair of arms snaked around my waist and pulled me, jungkook's of course!

"I cannot even begin to describe how beautiful everything looks." I whispered, as I turned to look at him. Jungkook had no T-shirt on, just a towel wrapped around him, looking dangerously tempting.

"Now you know how I feel daily." Jungkook replied to my earlier comment.

Heat rushed down to my cheeks and I looked away, blushing. He kissed my cheek.

"Well...someone is in the mood to flirt." I muttered, still looking at the Eiffel Tower and leaning to him.

"Taehyung, look around and then blame me for being in the mood to flirt." Jungkook teased as his lips started leaving trails from my jaw to the nape of my neck, making me shiver, giving butterflies in my stomach all over and leaving me terribly weak in the knees.

I turned around towards him and hugged him tightly and we stayed just like that for a while till my stomach decided to interrupt us as it growled, announcing that it needed food.

"You are hungry." Jungkook announced and I nodded, still not breaking the hug.

"Go and freshen up. I'll order something for us, okay?" Jungkook asked and I nodded, stepping away and walked inside.

Taking a quick shower, I got dressed in my favorite panda night suit and walked out only to find food in the dining area of the suite and it smelt amazingg.

"Jungkook...where are you?" I called for him as I kept my towel properly.

There was no reply. I called for him again and looked in the suite but found no one. Now where did he go?

I decided to call him and was about to reach for my phone when the door opened and he walked

"Where did you go?" I asked as I walked to him.

"To call mom. There was some issue in the
signal in the room." Jungkook replied and then I realized that I had forgotten to call mumma and

"Oh no! I forgot to call mumma." I almost panicked and because mumma would kill me if he
got to know that I forgot to call him.