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Taehyung's POV-

"I was not crying. Who said that I was crying?" I asked, faking lie.

"I heard you." He replied.

"Then go to the ENT specialist because I was not crying, was just irritated to see your face. You know, I was living in peace till the time you stepped back here." I added.

"Taehyung...tell me why were you crying?" He asked, a bit seriously now.

"I told you, i  was not." I said, looking away.

He sighed.

"Was it because of the picture you saw?" He questioned.

"What? Don't think too highly of yourself Mr.jeon jungkook. I was not crying because of that. I don't care. If you remember, I got the divorce papers ready." I said, dusting invisible dust on my shoulder.

"Mrs. Jeon  that means you do admit that you were crying." He remarked smirking.

"Was not. Now do you want to eat dinner or no? Let me go." I
run away but he held
my wrist as I got down of the bed.

"Now what?" I asked.

"How did you know that I'd allow a dog here in the house?" He asked.
I just rolled my eyes.

"Since now this is supposedly my house too, it means I am free to take some decisions. This was one of them." I lied. In reality, mom did allow me that day over the phone.

"You can't lie to save your life. Can you? Mom allowed it right?" He asked, smirking again.

"First of all mister, my boo boo has a name and he is called Bubbles and second of all, if you knew the answer to the question, why did you ask it in the first place?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Just wanted to see what you say." He said, shrugging his shoulder.

"You know, people tend to get tired after jet lag, you have lost your mind." I sneakily remarked and freed myself from his hold.

"Not funny." I muttered.

"Wasn't meant to be. It's the truth." I replied as I walked away in the kitchen.
As I was heating the food, jungkook entered the kitchen and Bubbles followed.

"This is really not fair. He likes you more that he likes me. Always behind you." I said, pouting.

"That's because even he knows who will ultimately be taking care of him." Jungkook replied.

"That's not true. I take good care of Bubbles!" I exclaimed.

"Are all his vaccines done?" He questioned me.

"I am yet to take him to a vet." I replied, embarrassed.

'See, you just proved my point." He taunted.

"Listen....I do take care of him. It's just that it completely slipped my mind." I told him honestly.

"We will take him tomorrow in the afternoon. It's off for me. Works?" He asked.

"Yes! I just have two lectures tomorrow so I'll be back by afternoon." I confirmed.

I then served Bubbles with his dinner and made a plate for both of us.

"By the way, how do you know so much about dogs?" I asked him

"I used to have a dog....Spice as a kid." He replied as we continued to eat.