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Taehyung's POV-

Reaching home, I was so tired and sleepy that the moment I crashed on the bed, sleep took over and I was in my dreamland having the time of my life

when suddenly multiple voices started to ruin my dream.

STOP! I was just about to meet Anne Hathway! What is happening??

I forced my eyes open and saw a smirking jungkook looking at me with his right hand supporting his body weight.

"Why are you smirking so early in the morning? What are these voices!?" I asked but before I could complete my sentences, I realized that those were the alarms meant to wake jungkook up for the god damn prank!

I was supposed to be enjoying right now, troubling jungkook. How did things happen the other way round!?

"Wh....what....how?" I whined, getting up and started hunting for the alarm clocks, shutting them one by one, groaning.

What did you do and how did you do it....why are you up!?" I asked him, exasperated.

"I saw you sneaking so many alarm clocks in the room yesterday and before that, mom had warned me that namjoon and you were planning a prank. I connected the dots and took you out to tire the hell out of you, knowing that you will never wake up at 6 if you're tired. Mom planted a few alarm clocks in namjoon's room and they must be irritating him right now. All I had to then do was wake up just a few minutes before 6 and so I set my alarm at 5:55. Yes, I wanted to sleep in today but this was just worth it. I'll catch up with sleep in the afternoon."  Jungkook went on and on bragging and smirking.

"Stupid, the alarms are going to wake angel up! We need to go." I said, panicking.

"Don't worry. Angel is sleeping with jin in the other room. Mom had already warned jin." Jungkook replied, getting out of the bed as I finally switched all the alarm clocks off.

"I hate you. But also, how did you know that the alarms were supposed to go off at 6?" I asked, grumpily.

"Because I know you. You won't get up before 6 even for a prank. You hate to get up early, clearly." Jungkook  replied, laughing.

"I promise you husband dearest, I am going to strangle you to death in your sleep one day." I threatened him and crashed on the bed.

"Go back to sleep if you can. I am going to namjoon's room to see him. He isn't exactly a morning person either." I heard him say but I was very sleepy to even respond.

Jungkook can do whatever he wants to as long as he is not interrupting my beauty sleep.

"Taehyung, get up." I felt someone shaking me.

"Go away!" I muttered, pulling the comforter up
till it covered my face.

"You need to help jin with the naming ceremony party love. Wake up." I heard that
annoyingly angelic voice again.

"Fine, fine. I am up and I still hate you." I said,
sitting up.

"I know you love me." Jungkook taunted me and I struck my tongue out at him.

I got out of bed, freshened up and then went downstairs to the dining room where everyone was gathered for breakfast.

We ate quickly and then jin hyung, mom and I started with all the preparations.

Morning turned to afternoon and then night. Finally, before dinner, everything was finally done. I had decorated the place and helped with the set up of puja place and washed little Angel's dress.

"Wow  the house looks beautiful." Dad commented, looking around.

"Thank you dad! It took all day." I replied,
sighing and sat down on the couch.