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Taehyung's POV-

I don't know for how long I was in his embrace but it never felt out of place, in fact, I had never felt so at home ever before.

"Why do you always come to weird conclusions before even talking to me? It's like the only way to solve a problem for you is to leave the house or get the divorce papers ready. You do know and realize that it's known as running away right?" Jungkook  asked, stroking my head gently.

"I don't run away. I just do what I think is right to do. Every time I see you and nonna  together, it feels like I am the third person who is now in between both of you. Feels like I've wronged both of you by marrying you." I told him honestly.

"Remember taehyung, there was a time I loved the person your sister pretended to be. Not anymore. If given an option, it'll always be you if I have to choose among any  one  in the world." Jungkook replied.

His words made something flutter in my heart.

But how can you fall out of love so easily? It takes me years to get over a stupid crush and still it doesn't go away. It's always there!" I complained to him, pouting.

"I fell out of love because I didn't fall for your sister ever. As I said, I fell in love with a false person who never really existed. As for your crush, you'll stop feeling anything for him once you fall in love with the one with whom you're meant to be and that would be me. By the way, who is he?" Jungkook  told me and questioned the later .

"Namjoon. And please....don't be so sure of yourself Mr. What if I don't fall in love with you?" I asked him, parting myself away from the hug.

"Namjoon....as in my brother namjoon?" Jungkook  asked, a horrified expression taken across his face.

"What! Of course not! My classmate from  busan  namjoon ." I immediately clarified.

It would be so gross of me to like his brother. Yuck!

"Also, we are never discussing about him ever now." I declared.

"Good for you. I don't exactly want to hear about him either." Jungkook said.

"Why? Jealous?" I teased him.

"Of course yes. He is a person whom you like in a way that you should like me. Of course it's not going to happen very soon but I was you to try because I can see us together." Jungkook confessed.
I obviously wasn't expecting him to answer yes to my question so now I had nothing to say!

I just blushed because of his words. Seriously taehyung, get a freaking grip on yourself!

"Will you try for me?" Jungkook  asked, extending his arm at me and I hesitantly put mine in his, nodding a little.

He then lightly kissed my knuckles, making me week in the knees.

"Now give me your bags, I'll go and keep them in the room. Mom and dad must be coming and I don't want them to freak out." Jungkook  said and I nodded, handing over my bags to him.

Jungkook  went upstairs to keep them and I went to hug my Bubbles.

"I am so sorry my baby. I am not paying attention towards you na? But don't worry, we will go to the park to play fetch tomorrow. Promise." I said, kissing the top of his head and he gave me his cute, little woof.

By the time jungkook came downstairs, mom and dad were already here.

"Are you doing somewhere taehyung?" Mom asked, looking at me.

"No mom. Nowhere." I told him,, biting my tongue.

"Then why are you all ready?" Mom asked.

"Oh that....." Shit! What do I say!