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Taehyung's POV-

The whole of next week passed just like that. Completely boring.

It was Monday and I was supposed to go to college and was very very late because I could not find anything to wear!

Taehyung  ,  you are so late for your college and yet you are just passing time here. Go and get ready." Jungkook  scolded me and I rolled my eyes.

"I know that I'm getting late mister but I am in the middle of a very serious problem here. I cannot find anything to wear!" I exclaimed and he sighed.

"Out of these god knows how many clothes, you cannot find anything to wear? Just amazing." He muttered and walked towards my closet, taking a jeans and a red top.

"Here you go. But I really don't understand why you would buy jeans as torn as these" He said and mocked me at the same time.

"It's fashion Mr. Black suit." I replied,

"Why could I not see this?" I added, muttering to myself.

"Now you are wasting time. Just go and get ready." He chided me and I walked inside the washroom.

I quickly got ready and walked out.

"I'll drop you to college and send my driver to Pick you up. Your driver is on leave today." He informed me and I nodded.

As we got down in the hall, the breakfast was ready and mom and dad were waiting.

"You are running late taehyung" Mom said, disapprovingly.

"Why does he get to go whenever he wants but I have to be on time?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

As I looked at him, boy he looked handsome. In his black, crisp suit, he looked ready to take over
the world.

"That is because you go to college to study whereas I run my company. I can get in whenever I want and no one questions me." He replied, with a side smirk playing on his lips and his tone was bloody arrogant.

Mom shushed us both and rest of the breakfast was done in silence. Jungkook, dad and I started.

"Dad, are you retiring next month?" I asked dad.

"Yes bear, I am. Now I wish to spend the rest of my remaining time with all of you without any burden of work." He replied.

"That means, I have a party to plan for next month!" I exclaimed.

"Why party?" He asked.

"Are you serious dad? You are retiring! And I am throwing a party. Your retirement party and you cannot stop me!" I replied, outraged.

"Okay, okay. You can throw a party." He agreed, chuckling.

"That's great! I am going to start planning it from today." I said.
Jungkook was the silent spectator who was driving the car. His driver could not come too today because of something.

As we reached the college, I told him that I'll manage on my own or  yoongi will drop me and he somehow luckily agreed. After bidding both of them goodbye, I walked inside the college where  yoongi  and others were standing.

"T, finally. Why are you so late?" yoongi asked as used my shoulder as a hand rest for him.

My shoulders always have been arm rest for him.

"Couldn't find any clothes. Anyway, what's the agenda for today?" I asked him.

"We are going for a camp for two days just outside  seoul from college. It's a mandatory thing to attend." He informed.