𝖠𝗅𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇 𝖣𝗎𝗒𝗆𝖺𝗓 - 𝖲𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝖲𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾

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You and your boyfriend Alperen have been together for two years. Everything was going well in the relationship. You were happy, he was happy, so what could go wrong? Recently, you have noticed that Alperen has been distant with you. You knew that being in a relationship with an actor was difficult, considering their busy schedules with filming and him being away most of the time.

You talked to Alperen about your concerns and he kept telling you the same thing. "I'm just busy." "It's just work." "Work is being overwhelming." He would always use these excuses. Work this work that and it was frustrating you. Alperen made no effort into putting work aside for a second and focus on his relationship with you. You both had gone to bed without saying anything to each other. Just a small "goodnight" and that's it.

There had been times when you would cry without Alperen being there. There had been times when Alperen had caught you crying and you could see the guilt all over his face. He cuddled you in bed but that still wasn't enough for you. You didn't just want him to give you hugs or cuddle you, you wanted him to speak to you. Both of you to talk about things that are getting in the way of your relationship. After all, you did want a positive relationship with Alperen.

That night, Alperen came home from work. He sat down next to you on the couch and placed your hand in his. You looked at him with your eyebrow raised. "Get ready. I'm taking you out." He said. You looked at him confusingly. "What do you mean?" You asked him. Alperen gave you a smile. "I'm being serious, Y/N. Get ready." He said. Alperen stood up from the couch and headed towards your room. You got up and followed him into your room to get dressed.

Alperen had taken you to a nice restaurant in Istanbul. The restaurant where he'd taken you for your first date. You smiled as you thought of the beautiful memories you shared with Alperen. But, you were brought back out of your thoughts when you felt his hand touch yours. "Are you okay, canim?" He asked you. You simply nodded but Alperen could tell you were lying. "What's wrong?" He asked. You sighed. "Why did you suddenly decide to take me out?" You asked.

Alperen frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Out of all the days and when I talked to you about how I felt, you suddenly take me out today?" You said. Alperen leaned back into his chair with a sigh. "What's wrong with you? You can't even appreciate that I took you out?" He asked. You narrowed your eyes at him. "Alperen, have you forgotten that you've been ignoring me? That you've been distant with me?" You said angrily.

Alperen averted his eyes away from yours. "Your time has always been work, work, work. But what about the days you have off? Don't you even consider to at least spend some time with me? Or am I just a token in your house?" You raised your voice. Alperen quickly looked up at you. "What? No, of course not. Why would you even think that?" He said. "I feel like I am, Alperen! I feel like a token. Just say you don't want to be with me anymore!" You shouted.

You got up from your seat and quickly walked outside the restaurant. By now, you and Alperen had caught the attention from others in the restaurant. Alperen let out a frustrated sigh and got up to follow you out. You stood outside the restaurant with your arms around your body, hugging yourself from the cold breeze. Tears were beginning to form in your eyes but you forced them to not fall down your cheeks.

From the corner of your eye you saw Alperen walking out of the restaurant. "Y/N. Wait." Alperen said as he saw you walking away from him and towards his car. You got into his car when he unlocked it with his keys. Alperen looked at you but you turned away and stared outside the window. He pulled away from the car park and drove off down the road.

The car ride was silent, neither of you wanting to break the silence. Alperen could hear you sniffling from your silent crying. You quickly wiped away a tear, still staring outside the window and avoiding Alperen's looks. At one point you feel him rest his hand on your thigh. You remove it and continue to stare out the window.

He once again puts his hand on your thigh. You turned to look at him with a glare. You reach your hand to remove it again but his voice stops you. "Please don't do that, canim. I get you are mad at me but you can't blame me for wanting to touch you. The dress you are wearing is messing with my head." He said. Alperen looked at you when he stopped at the red light.

"Y/N, özür dilerim. I'm sorry I haven't been putting the effort to spend time with you. I love you so much. I know I haven't been a good boyfriend lately, but you're always on my mind. You're the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about when I go to bed. I'm crazy about you Y/N. I love you so so much." He said.

Your glare turned into a soft gaze. You hated fighting with him. It was the worst thing ever for you. You smiled at his words replaying inside your head. I'm crazy about you Y/N. You're the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about when I go to bed. I love you so so much.

You put your hand on top of his and squeezed it. "I love you too, Alperen. I hate arguing with you. I don't want that in our relationship. I forgive you." You said. Alperen gave you his biggest smile ever. The smile that always melted you. He raised your hand to his lips and kissed it. "I promise I will be a good boyfriend to you. I promise you. Seni seviyorum." He said. You moved your face closer to his.

As your lips were about to touch, you both jumped at the loud honk behind your car. The light had turned green for ten seconds. You and Alperen laughed and drove off to your home.

__ __ __

This is my first imagine. I feel like it's bad but I really hope you liked it.

Requests are open if you have ideas and would like to share them with me.

Thank you for reading! 🤍

canim - darling/honey/sweetheart/babe

özür dilerim - i'm sorry

seni seviyorum - i love you

𝖳𝗎𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗁 𝖠𝖼𝗍𝗈𝗋 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now