Proverbs 17 ~ Planet Shaker

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Solomon's Sayings

A crust of bread in a happy home is better than quarrels on a throne.

A shrewd servant tops a prodigal prince.

Like a smith purifies gold in a forge, El purifies souls in this school of life called Earth.

The faithless never follow the Lord of Truth. Instead they hark to lies and do no good.

If you dis a poor man, you dis his maker. His maker is El, the planet shaker.
If you like to see folk suffer, El would like to take your name.

A good dad is kind to the kids he raises.
His reward - grandkids who sing his praises.

You wouldn't ask a lowborn rogue to speak sweetly, would you?
So if you wanna be a prince, you better talk sweet. Or how are you better than a common rogue?

Gold, like a rose-tinted seeing-stone, makes every deal seem sweet. But are things as sweet as they seem?

She who keeps secrets is loved like the scent of perfume.
She who sells them - shunned - like the rotten stench of plague.

A slap on the wrist cuts a wise man deeper than a hundred lashes cut a fool.

Even when you talk sweet, some just won't listen. All they want is trouble. Eventually they get it.

A bear robbed of her cubs strikes anyone, good or bad. Like a fool who won't listen to reason.

If you lash out at the good, who will be left to help when bad luck bites you in the backside?

Starting trouble is like breaking a dam. It gushes out of control, flooding everyone, even you. So don't start trouble.

Praise crooks and El will strike you off the nice list. Put good guys down, he'll put you on the naughty list.

Why put a chap through school if his heart's not in it? Waste of time and money. Better just give him a job.

A true friend is always on your side. Steady sevens all the way, like a sister. A fake friend is there just when it suits her.

A foolish friend will treat fake friends like brothers. So agree to dodgy deals and get mugged off.

A rich man with a posh house invites robbers. Robbers invite cops. Who's more foolish?

Lies are like sand. If you build your house on them, it won't be long before it falls.

If you don't raise your kid right, you'll raise a fool. That'll make you twice the fool.

Laughter is great medicine. Stress relieving. Health promoting. A glum heart is the opposite. It's poison.

A poisoned soul will take a bribe to pervert the course of justice. It can't see right from wrong. It teeters on the precipice of hell.

Healthy souls stay true to the path of wisdom. Sick souls wander aimlessly and slip off philosophical cliffs.

Wanna make your parents proud? Don't break laws then, or they'll wish you were never born. Make an honest wage, take care of them. They'll love you.

No one will flog you if you break no laws. Unless they wanna shame their own good name.

It's hard to get mad at a man who don't talk.
If you don't get mad, you'll make lots of friends.

Even a fool, if she never speaks, is wise as far as anyone can tell. It's only when she opens her mouth you tell what she's really made of.

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