Joshua 1 ~ The White Ox

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The sons of Mu were gentle priests. Not warriors of faith like Josh. Whitest ox in the white ox tribe, so pure of heart was he. Built like one as well. Perfect for leading the lost ones to the promised land.
Josh's dad was a slave in Egypt by the name of Nun. When Mu freed the slaves, a lot lacked faith and said they'd rather be locked up. But Nun was a true believer. Loved to swim and fish.
With a miracle jump, he dodged the snap of a Nile dile, wrestled it to submission, and fed it to his fellow slaves.
He caught eels from the red sea for the wanderers, and fought the serpent Lotan in a dream, wishing to tempt him to join Korah's rebels.
Like father, like son, Josh had a warrior spirit and sin-resistant heart. Learnt everything from his dad, including the white ox fighting style.
Learnt even more from following Mu. Had total faith in the prophet, did everything he said.
Mu's sons cared less for all the leading malarkey. They were happy little worker bees, serving folks with healing spells. El sent Mu no signs about them. They were fine where they were.
Got a lot of signs for Josh though. So Mu knew he was the chosen one, the new krista - leader of the lost.
So spent his latter years teaching him the finer points of reading signs and hearing heaven's voices.

By the time Mu died on Nebo Hill, Josh was ready to take the torch. So read the signs and listened to the voice of heaven's king:

"Mu is dead, so take the lead. Lead the twelve Israeli tribes across the River Jordan.

I'll give you every bit of land you step on over there for keeps.
The promised land, it is. The land I promised Isra's kids three centuries ago.
You're his kids, all of you. Direct or married in. So the promise I made applies to you. Each and every one of you.

Lengthwise, it's a lot of land. From this wilderness you're in right now, all the way north - 300 miles - through Lebanon and Syria (in the grip of the Hatti Kingdom at the mo) - to Lake Assad, source of the great freight river - all the land will be yours.
Widthwise, west to the Sunset Sea from here is 50 miles.
50 by 300. That's ten million acres. One is the size of your average field, you know. For farming and what not. So ten million fields. That's how big your promised land will be.

No one will have a leg to stand on in the court of heaven against you. Not today or on your dying day. Long as you stick to my holy way. As they're more sinful than all your lot. As they have no holy laws. Just manmade ones.
I led Musa to success. You're his heir. Now I'll lead you. I'll never let you down or leave you in the lurch.

So whatever I tell you to do, do it fearlessly. You'll be the one who gets to make good on the promise if you do. By giving the people the promised land. Promised to em long ago.

Just make sure you do it. Hesitate, it could all go wrong.
My voice won't be in your ear every second. When it's not, stick to the law. The highly detailed torah law old Musa wrote for all.
I taught him it to fit the times, and it took him long to write. You gotta write a journal. Saying all the stuff you do and all I say. But you don't wanna write a whole new law. You don't got time. You gotta fight, and there's just no need. Not at this time in history. So stick to Musa's law for now.
Nothing in it will steer you wrong. So don't rack your brain thinking new stuff up. Keep it word for word till further notice. Then whatever you do will be a success, wherever you do it. Long as it's good and guided by me. Don't forget to listen when I speak. Don't stick to just the law alone.
When you've won this war, the promised land will be renamed Isra's Land, and folk here will be Israeli. You and your kids. Their kids and theirs, age after age.
I'll send new prophets with new laws for future gens. For now just stick to the Law of Mu. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," as they say.

A big old book, it is. "A ponderous tome" as they say. Takes a lot of pondering. Easy to forget.
So say what it says on repeat every day, over and over. In your head. Out loud to each other also. Write it on tablets. Paint it on walls. Everywhere you can.
Then you won't forget it, and won't go wrong. Itta steer you right on the path of life.

So what you waiting for? Do what I said and be sure of yourself as you do it. Don't let doubt fog your brain and lead you off a different way.
There's just no need for such dismay. For I, the godking, king of all the gods and saints and angels here in heaven, will be with you."

Feeling hyped by Allah's peppy speech, Josh called a meeting with the twelve tribal leaders. Held at the council tent on camel cushions - so called as they're easy to hump from place to place when you're on the go. When everyone was sat and sipping desert chai, Joshy said:

"Fix up a feast. Make rations for the road as well. Twelve feasts for twelve tribes, and twelve lots of rations.
In three days we cross the river here to stake our claim to rule the land with virtue in the name of El.
As Don El is the lord of all the land in all the world. Like bad tenants, the locals are getting evicted.

We'll flood the land with Israeli settlers like four mighty tidal waves.
The first will be the seastorm, war and blackox tribes! First to the fight. First to delight in the victory won easily through Al's meticulous ministrations."
To the leaders of the first wave tribes, he said:

"Don't forget what Mu said, not long ago, just before he died:
"You already got your land. Right here. This side of the river. From the kings we conquered here the other day. The land we're standing on right now.
Al let us take it easy, as we all worked together, like he said we should. You asked me if you could have it, I said yeah. Now you wanna slack off?

Your wives, your kids, your cows and sheep can stay. But your soldiers can't. They gotta cross and fight like all the rest.
You tried to wriggle out of it. Allah will not be pleased. You gotta be the first wave now to make it up to him.

The nine other tribes fought by your side and helped you get this land, did they not? So you gotta do the same for them on the other river side.
Al will make it easy to take if we all work together.
Then you can come back to the east side here, watch the sun rise in the east, and live easy lives in peace."

The leader trio sighed:
"Alright, Joshy, you the man. What you say is what we'll do.

If Al is with you, like he was with Mu, we'll go wherever you tell us to.

Anyone who don't, we'll throttle. Long as you keep all the win rolling in. If you don't, you know, we'll throttle you."

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