John 1 ~ The Incarnation

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In the beginning, godking El and his fellow gods - the Elohim - made the world.
El designed it. The mastermind behind it.
Baal, the son of El, his right hand man, at his command, led the god and angel teams, atom by atom, to build it. Like a carpenter crafting a house of dolls.

Baal is the son of El. But also he is one with El. Like siamese twins. A god with two heads and four arms. Though not joined at the hip all the time.
Baal split from El so they stood as separate entities. Yet still were one in spirit, connected telepathically.

Whatever El says, Baal does. He is the hand. El is the brain. All the angels lent Baal a hand.
Everything you see - the rivers, sky and trees - bio machines built by angel lab teams led by Baal.

Baal's brain is linked to the world tree. The lifelight flows through it down from Kadmonia right to his heart.
Baal breathed life into people and creatures. Their eyes lit up. They became self-aware.

The light is faint in the heart of a man. His link to the tree is weak. Like a lantern in the dark, it flickers. Yet still it shines. The light of hope. Grows brighter when he sees the light of heaven.

The prophet Yahya saw the light. His inner eye was open. He was bright.

He wanted to share the light with all. Say what he saw. Help them see too. Make the world a brighter place.

He wasn't a god from heaven himself. Just a prophet heaven sent to tell about the god of light.

The god that first lit humankind and has the power to brighten our minds was walking now among us as a man.

He made the world. Now he was in the world. Yet the people of the world didn't realise who he was. Didn't know he was their god.

He visited the people he created. But they didn't welcome their creator. Not all of them anyway.

Some believed in him and welcomed him. He paid back the ones who did with a welcome of his own. To the fam of the gods in the kingdom of heaven.

Not related by blood or the same mum and dad. But by heaven's holy spirit.
The one spirit flowed into each of their souls. Turning them into a spirit fam.

El told the spirit to plant the soul of the godprince, Baal, in the womb of a virgin.
Baal, El's son and right-hand god. The prince of heaven who follows all his orders. In the tum of a mortal woman.
So he got born as a baby human boy. A sapient homo. A wise little monkey.
He looked like any other man. But us, we lucky few, got to see his shining bod and wings of light. Feel his magnanimity. His generosity. Heard his wisdom. Learnt the truth about the world.

Yahya was the first of us to see. We were at his wild rivercamp, learning the path. He dunked us in the river to wash our sins off. So we didn't have to kill doves and stuff at the temple.
But Yah didn't know the whole path. Just a bit of it. Said he wasn't blessed or wise enough to know. But he had a younger, wiser cousin, he said, called Isa.
First time we saw him at camp, Yahya cried: "There he is guys! Six months younger but six times wiser. An old soul."

He really was an old soul. Full to the brim with inner light. With virtue overflowing. Dished out miracles and blessings like a fisher at the market dishing cichlids.

Mo gave us the torah law 1300 years ago. But we lost our way. Took it literally. Forgot the real meaning.
So Isa showed up. The god who sent the law to Mo. Said all we gotta do is put our faith in him to get rid of sin.
The law is good. But faith in the god who sent the law is better.

No one but Isa has ever seen El in heaven. He's El's semi-mortal son. The only girl El ever got up the duff is Isa's mum. In spirit, he and El are one. So he taught us all about him.

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