Matthew 6 ~ The Lord's Prayer

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Sermon on the Mount. Galilee Sea north shore. Northern Israel. 3790. El speaks to folks disguised as Krista Jee.

"Want gifts from your friends or gifts from El? If from your friends, show your good deeds off. No need to show them off to El. He sees all you do. If you do good just to show off, but bad when no one's looking, El won't give you good stuff in the afterlife.

No need to blow trumpets when you do good stuff, like some folks do. El knows already. Folks only blow so their friends will sing their praises. Yet when they think no one's looking, they're proper naughty. They won't get gifts in heaven for that. They've already got their gift on earth. Their round of applause. Job done.

When you do good stuff, you don't even have to let anyone know. You can do it on the sly, behind people's backs.

El will know. That's all that matters. He sees what no one else does, and will bless you for all to see. Folk will wonder why you're so lucky. Now they know.

Same for prayer. No need to pray in public where everyone can see. You can. But if it's just to show off, El won't give you heavenly gifts. Your only gift will be people calling you pious.

You can pray in private behind closed doors. All by yourself. Hidden away where no one can see. Like El. No one can see him either. But he can see you. Like you can see folk in the street through a peephole. If you see them do good, you might pat them on the back next time you see them. Tell folks what a nice person they are. That's like what El will do for you. He'll bless you and folks will wonder why.

Don't ask the Don for what you don't really need. He'll be deaf to you. Even if you plead. Then you might lose faith. Folks tend to lose faith when they ask for stuff and don't get it.

El knows what you need before you even ask. You don't even have to ask at all. He'll give you what you need. What you truly need. Though it might not be what you really think you want at all. At first at least.

So keep it simple when you pray. Just ask for basic stuff each day. Like this:
"Don El, King of Heaven. The mere mention of your name is a blessing to us all.

Set your kingdom up on earth. So it's just like heaven here on earth. Where you're the king and everyone knows it and does what you say.

Give us enough to eat today.

Forgive us if we say bad stuff. Give us hearts warm enough to forgive folks who speak ill of us.

Don't let us be tempted by sin today. Save us from Satan's ungodly designs. Us and all mankind. We know you can. All the kingdom's power is yours to command. Now and forever. It's true."

If you forgive folks who do bad to you, El will forgive all the bad you do.

If you don't, he won't.

It's good to skip meals to detox your innards. Makes you holier, fresher, purer. Fitter to serve heaven. Like a dirty dish rinsed clean.
Some folks just pretend though. They frown and rub their bellies in the street, then stuff their faces when they get back home. Hypocrites. El won't give them gifts for that. Their gift was their friend patting their back.

So don't make a show of your aching tum.
Wash your hair. Splash your face. Make it not even look like you're hungry.

Even if no one knows how hungry and pure inside you are, El will know. He'll see you through heaven's peepholes and bless you later.
It all adds up. Each good deed, prayer and detox you do. All get added to your spirit tab. Swappable for treasures in the afterworld.

Don't try to get hold of treasures on earth. Earthly treasures are throwaway trash. Bugs eat them. Rust corrodes them. Thieves nick them.

Try to get hold of heavenly treasures instead. No bugs, rust or thieves up there.

Your spirit is tied to your treasures. So where your treasure is is where your soul will go when your body dies. If what you value is on earth, your soul will get reborn on earth. If what you value is in heaven, in heaven your soul will be reborn.

Your eyes are like a pair of lamps in your head. They let you see stuff. If you shine your lamps on good stuff, all that goodness will flood your soul like light.

If you shine your lamps on bad stuff, itta fill your body with sin, like shadow. Then you'll have sin in the world and sin in your heart. Double darkness! Double trouble.

You can't serve two bosses at once. When you're working for one, the other will be put out. It's like that with El and the money demon Mammon. If you chase money, you'll lose sight of El. If you chase El, money stops being so precious to you.

So don't fret about cash or stuff like that. What you'll eat or drink or wear. There's more to life than that. More to being human. Like having a soul and following El.

Look at the birds of the sky. They don't sow or reap or store their food in barns. All they do is what they're meant to do. They have no freewill. No choice. Just instinct. Yet El makes sure they have enough to eat.
You're designed to do more than them. He'll see to it you're fed as well if you use your freewill to do as he says. So don't horde mountains of wealth for a future you can't see and may never be.

Will fretting for the future make you live a minute longer?

Don't horde mountains of clothing either. You can't wear it all. One lot is enough.
Look at the meadow flowers. They don't spin or dye or sew. Just grow.

Yet some have petals more splendid than Solomon's robe. His wardrobe was the stuff of legend. Even 900 years ago. Before he was pushing up daisies.

El dresses the grass of the field with pretty petals. Yet it cannot even walk or pray. It's here one minute, the next it's hay.
Even with tiny flickers of faith, you have more faith than grass. So do what you're meant to, like grass. Then El will make sure you're well-dressed and looking well. Fit enough even to serve a king.

So don't fret about food or drink or what to wear.

Less enlightened souls who worship nature spirits and lesser gods, not knowing what god rules them all, fret about that sort of stuff. Yet the godking knows you need that stuff.

Just walk the holy way and worship him, and he will give you everything you need.

Don't fret about tomorrow. There'll be enough time to fret for tomorrow tomorrow. Fret about today today. There's plenty of stuff to fret about today."

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