Isaiah 25 ~ Cosmic Federation

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Jah, my god. The one true god. The god of all the world. Your many deeds are marvelous. I marvel at them all. You planned them long ago, before the world was born. You whispered them to prophets. Gave them glimpses. Now we see them made reality. It shows you speak the truth and keep your word, so can be trusted.

I saw the wreck of Ar on the Arnon. A montane city with with mighty walls of rock fifteen cubits high! Now a rubble pile. A rubbish heap. A ghost town with a deserted palace. No longer a city at all. No one will ever walk its streets again.

That's why even the keenest of kings should bow down and worship you, Don El.
The mightiest monarch with legions of troops should tremble at the mention of your name.

Your blessing is worth more than the planet's biggest arsenal.
If you bless a wooden arrow, it can topple an iron tower.
If you shield a little town from flaming bows, it won't burn down.

Like rainy glades you rust and hush the clanging of invading blades.
Like desert sun, you turn their battle cries to hot and bothered sighs.

Your angel troops cast dome shields, like invisible mountains. Impenetrable.
Unlike city walls or the rocks of a hill, your domes are unbreakable.
Beneath one all the faithful in the lands around the world will feast on all the finest foods.

Outside the dome the flags of nations divide and conquer and war won't end.
But under it all the flags unite beneath a single banner. The banner of the everlasting sun.

In that world peace state, free of war and poverty and vital asset rivalry, science will be free to find the key to immortality and turn the world in which we dwell to one of many heavens in the cosmic federation.

The priests of all your avatars around the world will say:
"The god we spoke about and waited for and worshipped for millennia has done at last what he said he would do! He is loyal and never breaks his promises to anyone. Long as we follow him. Now and forever!"
Not like unbelievers. They'll get reborn as wild beasts vying for survival on primitive planets. For that is what they acted like in life. Godless viers trying to outdo each other.

But here beneath the dome will be a year-round flourish of fruit and flowers. With temples made of gold and gems. For the flag of the godking flies here. On Mount Zion and all true holy hills.
But the fallen temple on Moab's phoney hill will be a dungheap. For they did not believe. Did not obey.
Chemosh is their name for Jah. He sent them prophets long ago. Gave them little victories.
But they thought their way was the only way. They had no faith in Don El's other avatars. El of Israel for one. So Chemosh smote them.
May we never make the same mistake. The god of the cosmos favours all. Not just one land or another. May we never forget, like Moab forgot.
When prophets arise in foreign lands, let's listen. Not stuff our ears with dung like Moabites.
If they do not change their ways they will get smashed out of existence. Like straw beneath a plough, crushed to dust for compost heaps.
Yes, Moab will decay and waste away. It is the way - the way of doom: Moral decay. Affliction with sickness. Then physically wasting away. The way of all who will not walk the holy way.

They'll try to swim against the tide to no avail. They'll tire out. The tide will be too strong. Their hope will fade as they see the error of their ways too late and drown beneath the swamp of dung they built their phoney temple on.

Just like he said he would do. I see it in a vision done. Their cities laid to waste. The last of them writhing in dirt like wingless bees. Wishing they'd done less laying and more praying now to El. He'll bite them and they'll wither. Their future if they don't repent.

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