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Elysian Monroe•

Someone was touching me. I sighed softly and turned over, immediately knowing who it was. I kept my eyes closed, hoping sleep would wash over me once again.

"Lysian, I know you're not asleep anymore." She softly giggled

I ignored her and tried once more to sleep. I groaned lowly when it came to me that I wouldn't be getting anymore. I opened my eyes and turned towards the culprit of the interruption.

"What are you doing in here right now Eil?" I yawned out

"You take longer when it rains so I'm waking you up early." She stated

"I don't go into the office today. Now leave, I'm tired." I huffed out

I laid back down and threw the cover over my head. It was too early in the morning for either of us to be awake. Seconds later, the cover is yanked off my head

"I still have to get to school." She spoke

"Take the bus." I responded

"A 14 year old in her school uniform, taking the bus in the pouring rain. If that's what you're telling me, okay." She shrugged

She turned around and made her way out of my room. I turned around and closed my eyes. I heard a few noises and then I heard the door close. I lowly groaned and got up.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed my keys. I slipped on my slides and grabbed a jacket. I quickly threw it on and walked out the house. Locking the door behind me, I ran to my car and jumped in. I turned it on and turned my head to my left

I could see she hadn't gotten far, she was still in eye sight. I started the car and pulled out the driveway, slowly pulling up to her. As I got closer, I rolled down the window

"Get in the car Eileen." I demanded

She turned around and smiled. I immediately regretted getting out of bed. I pulled over and allowed her to get in.

"Why didn't you grab the umbrella? Now my seats wet." I groaned

"Payback for even letting me leave your room." Her smile grew wider

I rolled my eyes and pulled off. Her school was only 15 minutes away but, the drive always felt longer in the morning.

"So how'd you sleep?" She asked

I lowly hummed in response. The drive was enough, I didn't need her useless small talk on top of the given torture.

"A conversation can only happen if both parties participate." She huffed

"Silence is apart of participation. The participation in the decision of not participating." I grinned

She rolled her eyes and turned her head towards the window. I was happy to know her attempt at conversation has been put to an end. It's too early in the morning for conversation. Plus, she's talked enough.

Soon, I pulled up into her schools parking lot. I stopped the car where I was and let her get out. She didn't like when I parked. She's embarrassed to have such an attention tracking older sister.

I pulled off when she was out the way of the car. I made my way back home. My mind directing my thoughts to a certain woman.

I wonder what it is that he's holding over her that has her sticking it out with him. It can't just be for the sake of the child, even if it was, that's not a big enough reason to stay that long and endure whatever it is that she has.

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