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( okay, it's 2 am. i just got home from a cubs game that was literally amazing, beside the fact that i lost my sunglasses [r.i.p. patricia. you lived a beautiful three months]. this came to my head and i thought it was perfect. it may be a big surprising, but hey, everyone has a story)


People knew Liam. Or, rather, they knew Trey. Liam Payne, within the darkness of the night, became Trey Eden.

It's not a cover name, don't be fooled. Liam wasn't someone who murdered for a hobby or shot himself up the veins with drugs before thrusting a paying costumer into oblivion (although... He sure could, and has).

Liam was so sweet. His father ran an antique shop full of old clocks and strange frames holding pictures of his late mother, who had died nearly twenty years ago, when Liam was one. Liam was the type of person people looked up to. He was only 21, but so mature. He treated everyone with respect. The kind of guy who went on walks with his elderly neighbors in the morning and walked their dogs in the afternoon. Liam was, well.. Liam.

Trey, on the other hand, was amazing. He was who Liam wanted to be. Brave, daring, fun. He's the one who only smiled at the neighbors while walking right past, wearing a baggy band tshirt and thick boots. He'd go to clubs and kiss girls and guys with no worries in the world. One night, he even smoked weed. He was living his life.

He doesn't know why exactly he called himself Trey. Maybe it sounds nice, or maybe it's easier to be daring when the actions aren't pinned to your real name, just in case. Plus, Trey Eden would look better in any contact list than Liam Payne ever would.

Trey had friends, Liam didn't. Trey took long five am drives, Liam didn't. Trey knew how to live like he'd die tomorrow, Liam didn't.

Sure, this lifestyle costed him plenty of sleep and caused him to be very insecure as Liam, but he was happy that Trey was there, helping him be himself.

Today, Liam was sat in his living room, when his doorbell rang. A man stood there, his hair curly and drooping around his shoulders as he bobbed up and down. Liam raised an eyebrow, and the man smiled.

"Are you Liam Payne?" He asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Depends," Liam answered, because it did. Was this situation calling for Trey?

"Well I'm Harry, Harry Styles. My Nan lives a few flats over," Liam nodded, he knew her. "It came up that you often walk her dog. My friend is getting a dog next week Tuesday, and was looking for a dog walker. My Nan doesn't have your number, so uh, I resorted to this."

Cause even old ladies don't want Liam's number, he nearly replied. "Oh, yes... I am Liam Payne. I know your Nan. Nice lady. I'd be happy to walk the dog, I just need more details. Address, dogs name, any preferred route... Why didn't your friend come with you?" Liam asked, and Harry looked flushed.

"He's not feeling well. He doesn't have the pup yet, we are still searching, but how about you give me your email. He can contact you when he's ready, yeah?" Again, no one wants Liam's number, do they?

Liam nodded, disappearing into the house while Harry awkwardly waited on the porch, coming back out with a sticky note with an email address scribbled down. Harry said a quick thank you, and Liam thought that if he moved any quicker, he'd be running from that porch back to his car.

Liam closed his door, sighing and making his way back to the living room. It was 3pm. Maybe tonight, he'd leave early. Get to a club around five, pick up a friend, and head back to their place for the night. He decided to lay down for a nap, getting some sleep in for what he'd hoped would be a long night.

When he woke up, it's was seven. Later than he'd wanted, but he still had time. His phone was ringing, being the disruption of his sleep. Looking over, he saw that it was his dad.

"Hey dad?" He answered, making his way to his closet. He threw on a white striped t-shirt and a pair of burgundy pants. His dad didn't know about Trey. It was making this conversation a bit weird.

"Hi, Liam. Listen- tomorrow I'm gonna be picking up some old guitar from my cousin in America. I'm pretty excited, and I'm really sorry it's short notice. Could you watch the store until I get back? I'll be gone two weeks. You'll have to be in there from 7-3 it's not too bad, bud."

Liam sighed, eventually agreeing. Who knows, maybe a week or two away from dogs and old people will be healthy.

Liam set out at 8:30, walking down the street with his black boots clomping. He noticed a few kids with skateboards and a couple sharing a drink. A group of people were smoking behind a park and a little girl was riding on the back of her moms bike. Liam smiled. These people were all happy being who they were. They weren't hiding themselves behind dogs and dying ladies, coming out under flashing club lights. They were always themselves.

Liam didn't think much more of it. He couldn't, or it would end with tears or a breakdown. He just kept walking, finding his way to his favorite club. Walking in, avoiding the line with a bouncer friend, he attracted many people to him. Ordering a drink, heads turned toward him.

"Hi, sweetheart. I am very impressed by your fashion choice. Someone knows what he's doing." A girl, hardly up to Liam's shoulder, sat next to him. "I'm Grace."

"Trey..." Liam mumbled, but went to leave. She was pretty, but he was seeking male attention tonight.

He found it in a redhead by the bathrooms, holding a glass of red wine with a cigarette smushed into the bottom, turning red itself. His name was William, Irish and frisky. Liam somehow confinced the man into a car home, and spent the night in a strangers bed, smoking one of his cigarettes and taking it like a man, before falling asleep in his arms.

On the way home in the morning, after sneaking out very stealthily, Liam checked his phone to find an email from Zayn Malik. He guessed this was Harry's guy, since his email was pretty empty. He did get a new number last night though... Trey Eden scored Michael Koss.

Hey, it started off unprofessional, and Liam thanked God it wasn't some crazy businessman.

I'm Zayn Malik, the guy with the dog. My friend Harry gave this to me and explained you as the email sort of guy. I hope he's right, because I made this email just for you. I don't even own a computer....

Ah, anyway. My mate Niall is picking my dog up tomorrow. He just went through all his fixing, so he should be good. His name is Kole. I don't know why, it seemed pretty cool. He's a six month old black lab. Also, Harry mentioned something about a preferred route? I, uh, I don't go out much. I live in the Tomlinson apartment complex downtown, third floor, room 28. I don't care where you take him or how long you do, as long as you don't keep him forever... Hahah.

Okay, I will wait for a reply, but what do you say about this Wednesday? You can come over and meet him and me. Cool,


Liam laughed. This guy was far from businessman. Anyway, Liam knew the place from Shyrrl Hut who lives on the first floor and also attends him club. Trey fucked her a couple times... Hopefully she doesn't go out much either.

He looked at the time next, seeing it was 11 and sighed. He was supposed to be at the store four hours ago. Screw it, they'll open at noon today.

When he got there, he decided to put in his headphones and wait out the rare costumer. By the end of the day, only two men came in and left with records and an easel. Liam walked home, changing quickly and making his way to a bar, grabbing an adventurous girl and going on a long midnight walk to some park in the city, smoking her weed on the swings.

Liam didn't necessarily like the way he lived, but it was better than dying.

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