n i n e

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¡ this is an awful chapter, im sorry. school starts in two days and i still have three papers to write for summer reading so...

the next ones will be better i swear you the moon !

start :

It's beautiful.

It's an actual, beautiful sight. Zayn dancing in the living room, dressed in Liam's top. Hair flipping, eyes closed, Liam couldn't help but join. God, this boy was infecting him.

"You know, you never told me how on earth these clothes popped up," Zayn had laughed out an hour before, holding up Liam's baggy tshirt. "You were wearing all those polos..."

"They're my favorite clothes. I use them for clubbing. You know, letting go?"

"Have you gone recently?" Zayn looked sad, like he was missing out.

"No, babe. You've occupied me recently..." Liam smirked.

"Well good." Zayn had giggled, pulling Liam's shirt over his bare chest. It covered his boxers, reaching his lower thighs. "You can have that kind of letting go fun here, with me." Zayn turned on the music, before climbing over the bed to meet Liam's lips.

Now, Liam's forehead was pressed against Zayns, his fingers brushing over his jawbone. Zayn was smiling softly, subjecting to Liam. They were swaying back and forth, to the music.

"You should come out with me, Zee" Liam whispered against Zayn's nose.


"To a club, yeah? You'd look so good under those flashing lights, I know it." Liam smiled, and Zayn stopped swaying.

Zayn should have known this was coming. How could he avoid it? You're supposed to go on dates.... It's how the world works.

"Liam, you need to leave." Zayn said subtly, backing from Liam. "Now..."

"What? Babe, did I say something?"

"No, just, please Li..." Zayn was nearly panting at this point. He needed Harry, Niall, shit even Louis. He needed someone who knew.

"Zee, are you okay?" Liam was worried, making his way over to help Zayn breathe.

"Yes, Liam, I'm fine, take your shirt, please just go." Zayn proceeded to take his shirt off, tossing it to Liam.

Liam decided it was best to say nothing else. What would he have said, anyway? Zayn was clearly shaken up, and he needed to give him space. I mean, they weren't even dating yet.

So he left, and Zayn frantically called Niall to have him come over. He didn't want to disturb any Louis and Harry action, so Niall was the next shot.

"So, he's never asked you to go out before this?" Niall sat at the kitchen counter, finishing off Zayns last beer. He claimed it helped him channel his inner workings.

"Well no, we kissed for the first time last night."

"Oh, so that's why Harry forced you out the door the on their day..." Nialls mouth fell open as he caught the rest of the beer in his mouth.

Zayn just looked down.

"Zayn, you have to try... It's exposure that's going to help you get over it, unless you want to tell him the truth." Niall is serious, his frown prominent.

"Fuck, Ni."

"How about we take it slow, yeah? We can see each other every other day that Liam isn't here, and Harry and I can help you out with working your way out the door." Niall is genuinely trying. He cares about Zayn.

Liam, however, is sat in the middle of an awful family reunion. His father returned about a week ago, and as if it were miraculously planned, he received a letter the day after.

It was from Ruth, Liam's mysterious missing sister, announcing her marriage, and that they must get together before the ceremony. Liam and his father laughed at it for quite a while, until they realized how real it actually was.

Now, sitting across a booth from Ruth as their father fills their orders, Liam is stuck in awkward conversation.

"Engaged, huh?" Liam asks, afraid of the silence.

"Yeah... How are you doing at the whole, female game?" Ruth asked, and it was like she knew he was with a guy. She knew, and she didn't like it. Her awfully beady eyes were torture.

"Well, I'm currently with a guy." Liam spoke, staring at Ruth with this haunting glare. Zayn and him weren't even together. Hell, they just got into a fight, but the look of Ruth's face was the best thing Liam had ever experienced.

She quickly stood, her movements silently telling Liam that he was uninvited to the wedding, and so was dad. Liam assumed she was just going to get up and leave, but she began to sit in the booth next to Liam, before slapping him and running off to the car.

He only laughed when his father came back out, telling him to cancel the suit rentals and go back home, while he set out in the direction of the clubs.

An hour had gone by and yes yes yes of course Liam knew he shouldn't have gone out. He shouldn't be here, dancing on other people to this amazing track from the early 2000s, but hell, why the fuck not.

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