Cartman Gets an Anal Probe

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At the bus stop.

The boys and y/n stood at the bus stop,singing "School days, school days, teacher's golden ru..."

Kyle:Ah, damn it! My little brother's trying to follow me to school again.


Y/N:Aw...that's so cute!

Kyle:Ike, you can't come to school with me.

[Ike chortles.]

Eric Cartman:Yeah, go home you little dildo!

Y/N:Dude, don't call him a dildo!

Stan Marsh:What's a dildo?

Kyle:Well, I don't know...[faces Cartman and points at him.] and I'll bet Cartman doesn't know either!

Cartman:I know what it means!

Kyle:Well, what?

Cartman:I'm not telling you.

Y/N:What's a dildo, Kenny?

Kenny McCormick:(It's a giant stick that goes inside the mom's vagina.) [The others laugh.]

Y/N:Ew that is disgusting,Kenny how do you even know that... nevermind I really don't want to know.

Cartman:He-yeah, that's what Kyle's little brother is all right! [Y/n hit Cartman upside the head.] Ow! [Ike laughs.]

Y/N:Don't ever say that about Ike!

Stan:Dude, that kicks ass!

Y/n:Thank you stan,but he deserves it

Kyle:Yeah, check this one out. Ready Ike? Kick the baby!

Y/N:Kyle no!

Ike:Don't kick the baby.

Kyle:Kick the baby.
He kicks Ike like a football, who lands, knocking down four mailboxes.

Y/N:Ike![She ran over the road to check if he's okay.] Ike are you okay!?[She start to checking him to see any injuries.]

Once she came back,she looked at Kyle with uncontrollable rage.

Y/N:Hey Kyle....


Y/N:Give me a good goddamn reason why I shouldn't STRANGLE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU RIGHT NOW!!!

Kenny and Stan was holding her back,and Kyle back away a few steps.

Y/N:Let go of me!

Stan:not until you calm down

Y/N:I am calm

Stan:Yeah,I'm not believing that so I will hold on to you until I see it

Cartman yawns.

Stan:Whoa, Cartman! Looks like you didn't get much sleep last night.

Cartman:That's 'cause I was having these bogus nightmares.

Kyle:Really? What about?

Cartman:Well, I dreamt that I was lying in my bed...
The dream sequence begins. the dark, when all of a sudden this bright blue light filled the room.
Through.Then slowly my bedroom door began to open...and then the next thing I remember, I was being drug through a hallway.Then I was lying on a table...and these scary aliens wanted to operate on me. And they had big heads and big black eyes.

Everyone's jaws dropped

Stan:Dude that was visitors


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