pink eye

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Heyyyy I know it been a while but you know ummmm life? I guess

Bus Stop. The boys and Y/ await the bus. Mir crashes. One end of it falls on top of Kenny, narrowly missing the other boys.

Stan:ONh my God! They killed Kenny!

Kyle:You bastards!

Cartman:What the hell is that thing?

Kyle:It looks like a UFO.

Cartman:There's no such thing as UFOs.
Sirens wail as ambulance pulls up. Two paramedics go over to Kenny's corpse.

Paramedic:Let's get 'im to the morgue.
They put his corpse in a body bag, then toss the bag into the ambulence and drive off.

Cartman:Hey, wait til you see my Halloween costume tomorrow. It kicks ass.

Kyle:Dude, it can't be cooler than mine.

Stan:Hey man, we gotta get home and get our costumes ready.

They walk off.

Bus Stop. Kyle is standing there with a Chewbacca mask on. Stan walks up; his costume consists of red yarn hair and big rosy cheeks.Y/N is fixing her sailor moon costume.

Kyle:Ha ha, you look like a pansy.

Stan:Shut up Kyle!

Y/N:What uh, what are you supposed to be?

Stan:I'm Raggedy Andy.

Kyle:Hehe. Why the hell did you dress up like Raggedy Andy dude?

Stan:Wendy's going as Raggedy Ann, and she said this way we'd win the costume contest for sure.

Kyle:No way dude. I'm gonna win the costume contest with this sweet Chewbacca costume.

Stan:Wendy said that first prize is two tons of candy.

Y/N:Wow! Cool!

Stan:I thought you and Craig was going to do a couple costume?

Y/N:We was but we couldn't find one that we like.

Cartman walks up.

Cartman:Hey, dudes.

Y/N:Cartman! What kind of costume is that?

Cartman:It's Adolf Hitler costume. Sieg Heil, sieg heil.

Stan:Where'd you get that?

Cartman:My mom made it, isn't it cool?

Kyle:No it's not cool!

Cartman:What are you supposed to be Stan, Howdy Doody?

Stan:No, I'm Raggedy Andy, fat-ass!

Cartman:Ohh, heh- wow, you look pretty cool.

He and Kyle laugh.

Kyle:Hehe. Sissy.

Stan:I'll kick your ass, Kyle!

Cartman:Oh look out, Holly Hobby's all pissed off!

Kenny's corpse approaches.

Y/N:Hey look, Kenny's not dead.

Kyle:You forgot to wear a costume Kenny.

Stan:Yeah, what's the matter? Couldn't your family afford a costume for you?

Kyle:Yeah, why's your family so poor Kenny?

Cartman:Kenny's family is so poor that, yesterday, they had to put their cardboard box up for a second mortgage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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