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Mr. Garrison's classroom.

Bebe:Hey Y/N, did you see that rainbow this morning?

Y/N:Yeah, it was huge.

Cartman:Ugh, I hate those things.

Kyle:Nobody hates rainbows.

Stan:Yeah, what's there to hate about rainbows?

Cartman:Well, you know, you'll just be sitting there, minding your own business, and they'll come, marching in and crawl up your leg and start biting the inside of your ass, and you'll be all like: "HEY! GET OUT OF MY ASS YOU STUPID RAINBOWS!" [Silence.]

Y/N:Cartman, what the hell are you talking about?

Cartman:I'm talking about rainbows, I hate those friggin' things!

Kyle:Rainbows are those little arches of color that show up during a rainstorm.

Cartman:Ohh, rainbows. Oh yeah, I like those, those are cool.

Y/N:What were you talking about?

Cartman:Huh? Oh, nothing, forget it.

Kyle:No, what marches in, crawls up your leg and bites the inside of your ass?


Mr. Garrison:Children, children. Remember the 'Save Our Fragile Planet' essay contest that you children worked so hard on last month? [Silence.] One of our very own South Park students has won the national prize.

Wendy:[Softly.] Wow, I knew I would win.

Y/N:Don't be so fucking cocky

Mr. Hat:Gosh Mr. Garrison, this sure is exciting.

Mr. Garrison:That's right Mr. Hat, the winner of the national 'Save Our Fragile Planet' contest is... Eric Cartman.



Y/N:No way

Mr. Garrison:Congratulations Eric, on writing the award winning paper.

Cartman:Kick ass!

Stan:That's impossible, Cartman doesn't know a rain-forest from a Pop-Tart.

Cartman:Yeah I do, Pop-Tarts are frosted.

Mr. Garrison:Out of over a million papers, Eric's was chosen as the grand prize winner.

Kyle:Wow, what did you write about Cartman?

Cartman:Oh, you know, this and that.

Wendy:He doesn't even know what he wrote about!

Y/N: Well, you don't know that. Some people can surprise you and be smart.

Wendy: Is that what your mom tells you to give you confidence?

Y/N:No but it's better being a dumbass then a bitch

Kyle:What was your paper about Wendy?

Wendy:My paper was on the suffering of bottle-nose dolphins.

Y/N: That was the most common thing that you could ever write.There's so many books and papers about that That was the most common thing that you could ever write. There are so many books and papers about that.

Cartman:There you see, you shouldn't have written a paper about dolphins. Dolphins are stupid.

Stan:Dude, dolphins are like the second smartest animal on the planet.

Cartman:Buh, hah, right, if they're so damn smart, how come they get caught in those fishing nets all the time?


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