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In front of Cartman's house. Jimbo, Ned, Y/N
and the boys are waiting for Cartman.

Liane:Now you be careful, Eric. The woods can be very dangerous.

Cartman:Okay, Mom.

Kyle:Ready to go hunting, Cartman?

Y/N:This is going to be so much fun

Stan:Yeah, my Uncle Jimbo says we gotta get up there early. Right, Uncle Jimbo?

Jimbo:That's right, Stanley. Animals are much easier to shoot in the morning.

Liane:Here hon, I packed you some cheesy poofs and happy tarts.

Jimbo:Don't worry Mrs. Cartman, we'll take good care of him. I brought my old war buddy Ned to keep things safe.

Ned Gerblansky;Hello, Mrs. Cartman. How are you today?

Liane:Be sure to use lots of bug spray, and if you have to poo-poo, don't wipe with poison ivy.

The other boys laugh.

Cartman:Dude, that's sick mom.

Liane:And I know it can get scary up in those woods, but just remember, mommy's not far away.

They laugh some more.

Cartman:Drive, Drive!

Liane:You give your mommy a kissy.

Cartman:Drive the car damn-it, drive!

In the Humvee.

Kyle:[In a slight falsetto.] Don't get scared up in the mountains Cartman.

Y/N: Yeah,it might take awhile until your mom come get you

Cartman:Shut up, I'm not scared of nothing.

Stan:Maybe your mom can give me a kiss too, Cartman.

Kenny:(Maybe she'll suck my dick.)

Y/N:Ew kenny

Jimbo:Oh, ho, that's disgusting.

Cartman:You piece of crap, I'll kill you!

Cartman: starts fighting with Kenny.

Jimbo:That's the spirit boys, let's get that testosterone flowin'.


He is about to strike Kenny again.

Jimbo:Now kids, kids, ah-I need to get serious for a minute. I want you to understand a few basic rules of hunting, since this is your first time. First, don't ever walk with your gun unless the safety's on. Second, don't shoot anything that looks human, and third, never spill your beer in the bullet chamber.

Stan:Uh, Uncle Jimbo, we don't drink beer.

Jimbo:You what?!?

Ned:mmmMoh Yeah, that's right, I don't think eight year old kids drink beer, mmm.

Kyle:I like chocolate milk.

Jimbo:Well, we'll be doing plenty of drinking on this trip; After all, hunting sober is like ...fishing ...sober. It sure will be nice to get out of the city for a while, away from civilization.

Jimbo drives the Humvee up a small mountain very close to town.
On the mountain.

Jimbo:Welp, here we are. Okay, each of you young 'uns take a gun, a beer and some smokes.

Cartman:Hey, I didn't get a gun.

Jimbo hands him one.

Cartman:Sweet. This is like the gun I used in 'Nam

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