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Craig is spending the night at my house. We are sitting downstairs in my living room watching Terrance & Phillip.

Y/N:I love this episode

Craig:It's okay I guess

Y/N:You guess!?


Y/N:Are you okay?

Craig: Yeah just tired

Y/N:Then lay down

He took the blanket,and pulled me close to him and lay on top of me and close his eyes. I took his hat off ,and played in his hair.He wrap his arms around my stomach and pulled himself closer to me.

A few minutes later my mom came into the living room and turned the TV off.

Leanna: Your friend Kyle mom called me and told me how bad this TV show is. You can't watch it anymore

Y/N:But mommy-

Leanna:Mommy my ass,I said no


Leanna:One more thing

My mom took her camera out and took a photo of us.

Leanna:You guys look cute,and Y/N don't forget to wrap your hair up

Y/N:Yes ma'am

Mr. Garrison's Class.

Cartman punches Kyle on the shoulder.

Kyle:Ow! What the hell was that for?!

Cartman:That's for your stupid mother! She made me miss Terrance & Phillip last night!

Clyde;Yeah, what's the big idea having your mom call all our moms last night?

Kyle;Well I didn't have her do it. She did it on her own.

Cartman;Why does this happen every month? It seems like, right around the same time every month, Kyle's mom gets a hair up her ass about something and I always end up getting screwed by it!

Mr. Garrison;Children! Children! A certain student's mother called me last night.

Y/N;[Tauntingly.] Oh, gee, I wonder who's mother that could have been?

Mr. Garrison:She informed me that some of you might be watching a, a naughty show called Terrance & Phillip.

Class;Yeahh, woohoo!

Mr. Hat:Watching that show is bad, Mr. Garrison.

Mr. Garrison:That's right, Mr. Hat. Shows like Terrance & Phillip are what we call 'toilet humor'. They don't expand your minds.


Mr.Garrison: You should children. These kinds of shows are senseless livid trash.

Kenny walks in

Mr.Garrison: Kenny,why are you late to class?

Kenny hens Mr.Garrison a note

Mr.Garrison: Now,as I will say , the reason that parents of South Park are so upset it is because-

Kenny is waving his hand frantically

Mr.Garrison: Yes, Kenny, what is it?

Kenny:(I have to go poop.)

Mr.Garrison: I thought you just came from the bathroom.

Kenny:(I did, I gotta go again...)

Mr.Garrison:Okay,okay,go ahead

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