Author's Note

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I want to thank you all so much for giving Unbound a chance and sticking with Kiera and Gabriel until the end—your support and readership truly means the world to me!

For a period during COVID, I was working on writing two novels. I was furloughed at the time, so I put all of my energy, focus, and time into those with the eventual goal of publishing. I didn't manage to finish either before returning to work, but I did succeed in absolutely burning myself out creatively. I started this project back in March 2023 because I wanted to get myself back into writing by working on something fun and pressure-free. I hadn't written more than a sentence in three years, but once I started doing it for fun again with Unbound, I finished this entire 92k+ word story in just four months!

This was exactly what I needed to get over that creative block, and I have been absolutely amazed by the response I've gotten as I've posted it over these past months. I cannot begin to describe how much each comment, like, and review has kept me going as I've begun work on other projects.

I have a few separate stories I'm working on periodically with the intention of posting here (hopefully soon-ish), so follow me along here and on Instagram (@echofirestone) for updates on those!

If you're interested in my writing more seriously, I have also written a dark Fae romantasy called The Red Woman and the White Bear, which I plan to publish under the pen name Fern Ellis. To follow progress on that and to learn more about the book as I get closer to releasing it, you can follow me on Instagram @fernelliswrites !

Thank you all again for your support—see y'all in the next story!

xx Echo

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