Preview & Author's Note

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"When Fallon James's brother Ethan is found dead in England, she takes it upon herself to fill in for the misgivings of a lackadaisical police force. Armed with a background in creative writing and plenty of Criminal Minds episodes, she attempts to assess her brother's former boss, Harry Styles, and infiltrate the biased criminal investigation growing around him. Financed by her best friend's work perks, she heads to England on a mission... only, Fallon never imagined that while on her journey, the man she was most suspicious of was the one man who might change her world for the better."



"Fallon, babe, don't you think this might be a bit dangerous?" Harlow asks me, opening her work laptop on her lap before throwing back the rest of her drink.

"Harlow, you have your vices, I have mine." I retort, fixing the crooked hemline of my too-short dress.

"Yes, but my vices include a proclivity for expensive handbags and too many chocolates, and men, according to my doctor... yours are..."


"That's putting it mildly." She scoffs, popping another Cadbury chocolate into her mouth. "I'm just worried about you is all, I mean, what makes you think he won't recognize you, you met him just this morning! The man is literally the most popular musician on the planet, you can't just walk right on up to him at his own party... I mean, do you even have a plan?"

I smile at her ability to underestimate me, my delusion. "Of course I do." I tell her, leaning back into my seat and finishing the straps to my heels. "I'm a writer, I'm well-versed in how to craft a meet-cute... or in this case, just a 'meet'."

"Oh don't tell me you are going to like, fanfiction the guy?"

I regret now admitting to her all those years ago, that while I was studying the classics, I was secretly writing trashy fanfiction in my dorm chugging Diet Dr. Peppers to occupy myself while others were out partying.

"For your information, that's exactly what I am going to do. I'll fanfiction this guy, only this won't end up in his favor. If I can just keep my mask on long enough, and as long as they don't confiscate our phones...

"Fallon, what are you planning to do to him?" But she thinks twice... "Well..." Harlow considers, I can see her concern for my sanity in her eyes before it disappears as she pours more champagne; she tosses her glass into the air and kicks her free leg into the air. "Who am I to doubt my fellow woman, 'on sister suffragette, take down the white men and their shady systems, leave no prisoners'... but please get back here in time for our morning massages, they were fucking expensive and I need to write finish the part about the amenities by this weekend!"

I smile and agree, she's not wrong.

"I mean it Fallon," she says more serious now, "we cannot lose you too." The levity in her voice is completely gone, and it only reminds me of why I'm here. I don't care what the police say, someone killed my brother and I will not leave this country until I find out who, and make them pay.

So, Harry Styles, here I come.___

Some notes about the story:
-The story, while about Harry as we know him, is set in an alternative Present. He is currently single in my story, and while I am a Taylor fan - this ain't her story. 
-While I've written stories before that jump around in time in a major way, I don't intend to do that as much with this story. There will be an occasional flashback, and the preview below, of course, is from the middle of the story, but aside from the Chapters indicated, you can assume the story is progressing in real-time.

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