Chapter 1 - One Night Stands & Nearly Missed Flights

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Fallon James
Sunday, October 13, 2024

After a long while of doing nothing, I peruse the missed notifications and now outdated tweets that I didn't see while I let

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After a long while of doing nothing, I peruse the missed notifications and now outdated tweets that I didn't see while I let... whoever this guy is, entertain me for the last 8 hours.  Texts from my mom, checking in on "how I'm doing," and my dad, "just checking in," remain unanswered and, as far as my parents know, unseen due to the lack of read receipts. They've both been terribly worried about me since I stopped going to grief therapy all of a sudden. 

There's a voice message from Harlow, I'm sure trading details of how her first date went with the of the month, remains unheard. I get one push notification from Twitter since I adjusted my settings to alert me when his name is mentioned by major publications...

 I get one push notification from Twitter since I adjusted my settings to alert me when his name is mentioned by major publications

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His fall? Harry Styles, a fall? Not possible. I've done all the digging on this guy that my stomach could stand and I know for a fact, his reputation is untouchable. 

Guy does ads for Gucci even after their racist fashion tees? Hardly a dent.

Accused of queer-baiting the LGBTQ community? An army-like fanbase is there to defend him.

Called a bit slutty for dating too many models? The guy is ADMIRED by the very women who wish to date him. 

Like I said, untouchable

If someone wanted to ruin Harry Styles, or, at least understand the truth behind him... they would need to play a much more complicated game. A game, like the one I have planned... 

"Hey, sorry, uhm... Lauren?" The nameless, and I've decided-faceless, Greek God who is sitting naked next to me manages to croak out. For as bored as I am now, his voice has that morning raspy quality that has me contemplating another round before I leave before I think otherwise. I roll my hips just a little, feeling to see just how tempting a morning ride would be.

I think about it, then decide otherwise with so much to do before my flight tomorrow. "Yeah, Lauren, sure. Listen this was... fun, but I've gotta get going-"

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