05 ➵ gyrosphere

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[chapter five]

"GRAY!" I screamed, my throat aching from yelling over the noise and chaos of Main Street. My legs were carrying me faster than ever, my chest heaving with each step. Zach was by my side, running just as fast. He had let Gray slip from his sight for one second and now we don't know where he is.

I shoved people aside with one hand, my other clasped in Zach's, fingers intertwined so that we didn't lose each other in the hast. Too many people were pushing to get to the next exhibit. I stopped to catch my breath Zach running into me. Tears were streaming down my face. I had only just meet him and still a part of my heart was breaking for Gray.

I looked up at Zach and he shook his head not wanting to let himself think that he might have lost his brother forever. I pulled him into me, slinging my arms around his neck and standing on my tippy toes to rest my head on his neck. I might not like him, but I still feel empathy towards him. His hands griped my lower back as he stood there.

"Zach, Mari! C'mon lets go to the hamster balls!"

I let go of Zach and whipped my head in the direction of the voice. Gray was hand in hand with Zara eating cotton candy with a smug grin on his face. He must have stopped Zara and ran off with her. I breathed a sigh of relief and moved away from Zach towards Gray. I didn't know if I was happy that Gray was okay or furious he had put us through that.

"Have you been with Zara this whole time, Gray?" He nodded, putting another piece of cotton candy in his mouth. "Did you tell Zach where you were going?" He paused before shaking his head. I rested my hands on my knees, bending down to his level. "Do you realize what you put Zach and I through in the last five minutes? We ran up and down Main Street looking for you! We thought we lost you!"

Gray's eyes got real big and his bottom lip started to quiver. I internally groaned. I didn't mean to make the kid cry. I ruffled his hair. "Please don't cry Gray, it's okay now. You're okay and we're back together again. Let's just visit more sites around the park, okay?"

Zach pushed past me, hitting my shoulder. "Forget this being okay! Gray you can't just run away from me like that! If I lost you, mom and dad would kill me! Do you know how much trouble I could get into," Zach screamed, his hands tightening into fists. He spared me one let glance before walking ahead.

"You weren't paying any attention to me anyways," I faintly hear Gray mumbled. He balled up the rest of the cotton candy, stuffing it into his mouth and wiped his face of tears.

I sighed. This has been the most stressful day of my life and it hasn't even started yet. I griped his shoulder, leaning him into my side. "C'mon Gray, let's go to the Gyrospheres." At least nothing could go wrong there. What's the worst that could happen in a ball designed to protect what's inside?

After more grumbling from Zach and shouting from Gray, we were back on the monorail. I, and I hate to admit this, was actually starting to have fun hanging out with them, well Gray at least. Zach still had a stick up his butt and refused to talk to us. Not that I wanted to talk to him....

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