13 ➵ attack

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Question: you all know what Mari thinks of Jurassic World and the people behind it. So what side are you on? What are your thoughts on the infamous Jurassic World?


[chapter thirteen]

He hesitates at first, cautious, but then I hear his breathing quicken as his soft lips lead mine

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He hesitates at first, cautious, but then I hear his breathing quicken as his soft lips lead mine. Zach slides his hand along my side, his thumb rubbing circles as he works his way up my jawline. He slips his fingers into my hair, holding my head in place. Zach pulls me closer the same time I push into him, unleashing a part of me I never knew. Sure, I've had boyfriends, but it was never like this. No one has ever made me feel this way before. I felt this overwhelming need to be as physically close to Zach as humanly possible.

I bit his lip as the kiss turns into something more; something sharp and zealous. My lips move faster than my brain can process. It's like they're being controlled by something other than my mind, something hidden deep inside me that I never realized was there before. I feel Zach's hand under my shirt. His warm fingers wrap around my waste, making my skin heat up.

My whole body feels like its on fire. I don't know how long its been, but I don't care. Zach's arms fold me into an embrace I don't ever want to leave. I press my chest into him. and my hands slide under his shirt; one rests at his lower back and the other rests in between his shoulder blades.

I forget how to breathe. My brain goes against my body and tells me to pull away. I separate our lips and gasp for air. Zach's eyes are darker than black and he's breathing as hard as I am.

I hear the crunch of leaves acting as a warning; something's making its way towards us. Curly blonde hair peeks from being a tree. Gray

Someone is moving faster behind him. She's flailing her arms and trying not to slip in her heels, which j bet would never happen. Claire makes her way down from the road.

She stops abruptly as she takes in the sight of us. Zach is holding me at arms length apart and I have no doubt that both of our cheeks are flushed.

I awkwardly pull away and cross my arms, looking down.

"There you two are," she sighs, "I was so worried. C'mon, we have to go." She grabs Gray who narrows his eyes at us. He's a very perceptive boy, I note. And his expression, surprisingly makes me laugh.

Zach raises his eyebrow at the random outburst. He probably thinks I'm crazy but I cant help it. For some odd reason, I'm happy. Zach smiles knowingly.

"That was the first time today that I think having my breathe being taken away is a good thing."

I laugh and shove him. I liked how even now, when we've just been chased by a dinosaur, he still made me laugh. Usually I'm not this carefree.

Of course, as always, this feeling is short lived. A roar sends my heart plummeting into my stomach. I nervously lean in close to Zach as we reach the road where Claire has another truck waiting.

Climbing into the truck reminds me that I am still here on this island and that there are still dangers out there. Whether they're the dinosaurs that attack out in the open or the scientists that made them, lurking somewhere untouchable.

As soon as we got to the truck, I noticed Owen wasn't there, but an InGen solider. He didn't spare me a second glance as I walked past him. His cold stare never shifted off the road. I sat back on the metal chest worried about Owen.

If something happened to him, wouldn't it be my fault? I mean, he did risk his life to save mine.

Gray climbed in after me.

"Hey, Mari," Gray whispered, "are you ok?"

I don't really get asked that question. Because I'm an nerd with a hard exterior, everyone just assumes I'm perfectly fine. I looked at him, guilty. Here I am worrying about a grown man who works with dinosaurs, when I should be worried about this poor eleven year old who almost died. I smiled sadly at him.

"Yeah, Gray, I'm fine. Are you ok?"

He smiles softly and I notice that it doesn't reach his eyes. He's exhausted. "I'm ok," he says quietly.

I fling my arm around his shoulders, like I always do, and pull him into a side hug. I'm going to miss him when we get out of this. If we get out of this...

Zach scuffles into the truck, his muddy converse leaving prints. He shuts the door and the truck starts to drive down the road to Main Street. Our eyes meet and I'm thrown back into the moment we share not long ago.

"What do you think's gonna happen with you just staring at her?" Gray says with a small smirk on his face.

Gray, Zach and I all crack up completely oblivious to the soft growls that are coming from outside the truck. Our laughing only stops when we hear the shattering of glass and a scream.

I quickly slide open the window. The InGen driver's head is gone and a bloody mess it in his place. Claire screams from the passenger seat.

"Grip the wheel," I yell as the truck threatens to go off the side of the road. Claire looks at the bloody mess then screams again.

Without thinking, I thrust myself through the small window and grab the handle of the door. At 'raptor runs beside the car.

"Hold on to me," I yell to Zach. He grabs my thighs as the pull open the door and swiftly push out the InGen soldier's body. The 'raptor is easily distracted. I shut the door and grab the wheel just in time to dodge a tree. I close my eyes for a second, saying a quick prayer for the soldier and flip around to slide my whole body through the window. I face forwards and press on the gas petal, flooring it.

I breathe heavily as I see a 'raptor coming up beside me out of the corner of my eye. I jeer the wheel left and hit it off the road, knocking it into a tree. Owen's not gonna be happy about that one, I smile.

Minuets later I see something again. This time it's Owen. He's on his motorcycle, but I can tell it's on its last leg. It's leaking gas and it is badly dinted.

"Pull over so I can get in," he shouts over the sound on the motor.

I shake my head and look into the side view mirror. 'Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.' There is another 'raptor right behind him.

I have a plan. "I'm going to count to three and open the door." I yell to Owen. "You jump in and I'll move over, got it?" He nods in agreement.

"One," I breathe, "two," I grip the door handle," three," I shout and thrust it open.

I jump to the side, almost crushing Claire, who still hasn't came out of her daze. Owen launches himself, using great upper body strength and eases into the driver's seat. I watch his bike scrape the ground and, conveniently take out the following velociraptor.

Owen shakes his head in disbelief, smiling. "Woah! Yes, that just happened." I laugh, sorta. I'm kind of winded after that.

He looked to Zach, "your girlfriend's a badass." I blush and lean my head back on the seat. Zach kisses my cheek and grips my shoulders.

As I ease into the comforting embrace, the girly-er side of my brain can't help but think of how good it would be to call Zach Mitchell my 'boyfriend.'

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